Press Release: Statement on the outcome of COP26

IWGIA press statement on the outcome of COP26

13 November 2021


More lobbyists from the fossil fuel industry than representatives of Indigenous Peoples attended COP26 – and that despite Indigenous Peoples protecting nearly a quarter of the world’s land surface and the biodiversity it contains.

“Indigenous Peoples are seen as a mere tool for forest conservation which can be financially supported. This is a fatal misjudgement from the governments around the world” expresses Stefan Thorsell, Climate Advisor for IWGIA.

Under their dedicated UNFCCC platform (LCIPP), Indigenous Peoples at COP26 contributed with their knowledge towards climate solutions and delivered 11 specific recommendations. Despite this, their brave fight for keeping the 1.5-degree target alive was in vain.

Under the Kyoto protocol, top-down climate action led to displacement and other violations of Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Despite achieving a greater focus on Human Rights in the rulebook for the Paris Agreement at COP26, concern remains that it is a repetition of the past.

Likewise at COP26 Indigenous Peoples didn’t get a guarantee for sufficient climate finance – especially with regards to loss and damage as a consequence of climate change.


Der var flere lobbyister fra olie- og gas-industrien til COP26, end der var repræsentanter for oprindelige folk – og dette til trods for, at oprindelige folk beskytter op imod en fjerdedel af verdens landareal og den tilhørende rige biodiversitet.

”Oprindelige folk bliver set som et simpelt redskab til skovbevarelse, der kan støttes finansielt. Dette er en fatal fejlvurdering fra landes regeringer”, udtaler Stefan Thorsell fra den danske menneskerettighedsorganisation International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA).

Under den dedikerede platform for oprindelige folk under Klimakonventionen (LCIPP), bidrog de oprindelige folk med deres viden til klimaløsninger og udviklede 11 konkrete nøglebudskaber. Til trods for dette var kampen for reel ambition i forhold til at holde 1.5 gradsmålet i live forgæves.

Under den tidligere klimaaftale Kyoto-protokollen ledte klimahandling til fordrivelse og andre rettighedskrænkelser for de oprindelige folk. Selvom der på COP26 blev opnået et større fokus på rettigheder i Parisaftalens regelsæt, er der stadig grund til bekymring for, at dette kan ske igen.

Ligeledes fik oprindelige folk ikke garanteret en rimelig klimastøtte - heller ikke for såkaldt tab og skade som konsekvens af klimaforandringerne.

For more information, photos and quotes from IWGIA and the Indigenous representatives, please contact Stefan Thorsell, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / +45 5373 2842 .

International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) is a non-governmental human rights organisation promoting, protecting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ collective and individual rights for more than 50 years. We support Indigenous Peoples´ advocacy at the international climate negotiations at the UNFCCC. See our award-winning documentaries here.

Tags: Climate, Press releases, Human rights



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