"Roots of the World" ("Verdens Rødder" in Danish) is IWGIA’s volunteer group in Denmark.We are curious about Indigenous Peoples, their cultural practices and political battles. We emphasise educating ourselves and spreading knowledge on Indigenous Peoples in diverse contexts.We have, among other things, participated in the People’s Meeting on the island of Bornholm, the Climate People’s Meeting in Middelfart, and have arranged screenings in Copenhagen of films concerning Indigenous Peoples. 

 Anybody can join. 

You are very welcome to become a member of our group. We meet once a month for a common meeting and the subgroups then meet when needed. We do not require you to have any knowledge beforehand of Indigenous Peoples but do, of course, expect you to have an interest in learning more about Indigenous Peoples.

Message Helle Løvstø Severinsen, Danish communication and policy, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or the group directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

We are all fluent in English and our meetings are always held in English whenever non-Danish speakers are present. However, as we participate in events in Denmark, some of these will be in Danish, though many are also in English.  

Activities in 2024

The activities in Denmark are done by both volunteers and the IWGIA secretariat. 

13.-15. juni: Peoples' Meeting in Bornholm

Volunteers and employees together with a member of the IWGIA board and a partner from Kenya went to the island of Bornholm to participate in the year’s Peoples’ Meeting (Folkemøde). We participated in six events of which we arranged the main part ourselves. Read more about all events here.

29.-31. august: Peoples Meeting in Middelfart

November: Talk Town

Film screenings

2023: With support from the Danish Youth Council (DUF) we were able to show the movie "Delikado" at Cinemateket. The film tells the brutal story of a group of Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines fighting to preserve their forest. They take matters into their own hands, risking their lives.
2023: Together with Global Aktion, we hosted a screening of the movie “Rahčan - Ella's Riot” at Husets Biograf. The movie is about the struggle of the Sami People to keep out mining waste from their fjords. We also had a visit from an activist from Nature and Youth in Norway speak at the event.

The People's Meeting in Bornholm

In 2024 we will once again participate in the People’s Meeting! We volunteers are planning three events: A foraging trip, body mapping, and a surprise pop-up event!  

IWGIA and CBS will also host a big event on business and human rights.

If you are going to the People’s Meeting you can join everything – find us in the app under IWGIA’s activities. 

IWGIA has participated in the People’s Meeting since 2019 

IWGIA also participates in a number of other different events at the meeting that the Secretariat plans, as well those its staff are invited to by other organizations.

2023 was the first time IWGIA’s volunteer group participated 

2022: IWGIA invited Minister of Development Flemming Møller Mortensen for a talk on youth participation in development. Operation Dagsværk (OD), who we have also campaigned with us, joined him on stage. From left to right: Kahtrin Wessendorf, IWGIA director; Frida Ravn Rosling, UN Youth Delegate; Nadia Dahl Skaaning, OD Volunteer; Flemming Møller Mortensen, Minister of Development, Denmark.
2023: Many guests at the People’s Meeting were curious about Indigenous Peoples’ sustainable use of nature and participated in our foraging trip. After having collected flowers and herbs around the island we used all of it to make syrup and made some delicious drinks! Foraging guide: Nadia Dahl Skaaning, IWGIA volunteer.
2023: To show the participants that there are real dilemmas in the green transition, we planned a workshop where people were confronted with decisions on the construction of windmills on land belonging to Indigenous Peoples. How does one handle that? On stage: Sigge Rød and Johanne Lav, both IWGIA volunteers.
2023: IWGIA was invited by Plastic Change to share the Indigenous Peoples’ side of the story regarding plastic polution around the world. A new plastic treaty has just recently been made in the EU and Kathrin Wessendorf, IWGIA's director, spoke about the importance in communicating with Indigenous Peoples and their right to Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC). From left: Thomas Drustrup, director of Plastindustrien; Anne Aittomaki, Strategic Director, Plastic Change; Jarl Krausing, International Director, Concito; and Kathrin Wessendorf, IWGIA Director.
2023: The Nordic Council invited IWGIA and the Sami Council for a conversation on green transition and Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Particular focus was placed upon the case from Norway, where a windmill park was constructed on the winter grazing areas of Sami reindeer. On left: Åsa Larsson Blind, Vice President, Sami Council; on right: Kathrin Wessendorf, IWGIA Director.
2023: IWGIA’s volunteer group set up an open conversation on Indigenous Peoples’ connection to their land. This was done in conjunction with a workshop where the whole audience made their own body maps— an outline drawing of their body, drawing their surroundings on specific places on the body. On the panel were, from left: Nikita Bulanin, IWGIA Advisor; Kâlànguak Absalonsen, Inuk; and Stine Krøijer, anthropologist.
2022: IWGIA invited Karen Grith Lauritsen from the Women’s House Danner and Jane Meriwas, our partner from Kenya (in the photograph), for a conversation about violence against women. We also screened a movie about the forced sterilizations of 300,000 Indigenous people in Peru.
Navigate to the Danish webpage:



IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Read more.

For media inquiries click here

Indigenous World

IWGIA's global report, the Indigenous World, provides an update of the current situation for Indigenous Peoples worldwide. Read The Indigenous World.

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Contact IWGIA

Prinsessegade 29 B, 3rd floor
DK 1422 Copenhagen
Phone: (+45) 53 73 28 30
E-mail: iwgia@iwgia.org
CVR: 81294410

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