Press Release: Indigenous Navigator National survey now available for Sweden

The Indigenous Navigator in Sápmi has now published the Indigenous Navigator National Assessment for Sápmi - Sweden.

Press Release - Sámi Activists Demand Removal of Wind Turbines in Fosen
Cover photo by the Saami Council
October 14, 2023
In a powerful display of determination and solidarity, hundreds of Sámi activists, alongside environmental advocates, have converged in Oslo to demand the immediate removal of wind turbines from the Fosen region. The
...International Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission Stands in Solidarity with the Civil Society Leaders of CHT and Calls for the Defense of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Regulation 1900

The International Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission (CHTC) expresses deep concern over the ongoing lawsuits against the Chittagong Hill Tracts Regulation, 1900, and calls for its defense. CHTC joins hands with civil society leaders in the CHT who have tirelessly advocated for the preservation
...The International CHT Commission is deeply concerned over continued violence upon the Mro community; calls for effective action to ensure justice, safety, and human rights of the victims

Press Statement
3 January 2023
The International CHT Commission (CHTC) is grimly disturbed to learn that Lama Rubber Industries Limited has perpetrated another arson attack upon the Mro indigenous community in Rengyan Mro Para of Lama, Bandarban.

Press release: IWGIA’s immediate reaction to the COP 27 outcome
IWGIA's reaction on the outcome of COP27
19 November 2022

Dette skal du vide om safari og oprindelige folk
Hen over sommeren, midt i turistsæsonen, er der alt andet end feriestemning på safarisletterne i det nordlige Tanzania.
Indigenous Navigator in Sápmi: “Statistics would be of particular importance in mapping the rights of indigenous peoples”

The Indigenous Navigator in Sápmi project is a collaboration of three different organizations: the Saami Council (Sámiráđđi), Saami University of Applied Sciences (Sámi allaskuvla) and International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA). This collaboration is facilitated for example by
...International CHT Commission: Government bans term "Indigenous" on International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2022

Press Statement
3 August 2022
The International Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission is shocked to learn about the government’s prohibition on using the term “Indigenous” before the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2022.
The International CHT Commission expresses deep concern about the introduction of a new unit of the Armed Police Battalion in Hill Tracts

Press Statement
28 May 2022
The International Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission (CHTC) is deeply concerned to learn about the government introducing a new unit of the Armed Police Battalion (APBn) to replace the vacant army camps in CHT. The Commission believes this is a direct
...International CHT Commission calls for an impartial investigation of allegations against corporation's occupation of Mro land

Press Statement
30 April 2022
The International Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission is very worried to learn that a corporate group, Lama Rubber Industries Limited, has set fire on 100 acres of Jum plantation of indigenous Mro people in Langkom Karbari Para of Lama Upazila of
...International CHT Commission calls for an independent investigation into alleged torture and death of Nabayan Chakma Milon in military custody

Press Statement
The International Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission (CHTC) is deeply shocked to learn about the death of Nabayan Chakma Milon (alias Sourav, 47), an indigenous political activist reportedly in military custody in Dighinala, Khagrachari. The Commission
IWGIA’s reaction to the outcome of COP26
IWGIA’s reaction to the outcome of COP26
COP26 was attended by more lobbyists from the fossil fuel industry than representatives of Indigenous
Press Release: Statement on the outcome of COP26
IWGIA press statement on the outcome of COP26
13 November 2021
PRESS RELEASE: Civil society calls on world leaders to put human rights at the centre of environmental policy

Over 150 civil society organisations and academics sign open letter calling on world leaders to integrate human rights into global and national environmental policy and practice
In the lead-up to historic agreements on climate and nature being made in the next month, more than
...Human rights groups condemn violence against peaceful protestors in Myanmar

International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) and Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) strongly condemn the violence used by security forces in Myanmar against peaceful protestors.

IWGIA calls for global solidarity for Indigenous Peoples in these times of crisis
On this day, 9 August 2020 – the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples – IWGIA re-affirms its commitment to promote, protect and defend the rights of Indigenous Peoples at a time when the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with the rise of populist leaders and a shrinking
...IWGIA strengthens its foundation with Kathrin Wessendorf as new Executive Director

IWGIA welcomed Kathrin Wessendorf as its new Executive Director On 1 April 2020. Kathrin is a trained anthropologist from the University of Basel who brings with her over 20 years’ experience working with the Indigenous Peoples movement, helping to promote, protect and defend the rights of
IWGIA se fortalece con la designacion de Kathrin Wessendorf como directora
IWGIA le da la bienvenida a Kathrin Wessendorf como nueva Directora Ejecutiva desde el 1 de abril de 2020. Kathrin es antropóloga, formada en la Universidad de Basel, Suiza, y cuenta con 20 años de experiencia de trabajo con el movimiento de pueblos indígenas,
...UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples visits Denmark and Greenland

IWGIA welcomes the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Ms. Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, to Denmark and Greenland from 10-19 March.
Biologist with strong indigenous peoples’ knowledge appointed as new IWGIA chair

27 January 2020 | Copenhagen, Denmark | IWGIA welcomes the appointment of its new Board Chair, Professor Ida Theilade, who joined the Board in September 2019. Ida Theilade has a PhD in tropical botany from the University of Copenhagen and has worked with participatory
...Indigenous peoples’ rights key in stemming Amazon fires

Indigenous peoples in the Amazon rainforest are on the front line of defending themselves and their land from the rapidly spreading fires. A majority of the tens of thousands of fires are happening in Brazil, though fires are also raging in Bolivia where 10,000 km2 of forests (an
...International dag for verdens oprindelige folk – hvad er deres største udfordringer?

Fredag den 9. august, er det FN’s internationale dag for oprindelige folk. Dagen er en markering og fejring af de betydelige fremskridt, der er sket for verdens cirka 370 millioner oprindelige folk.
IWGIA fordømmer drab på leder af oprindeligt folkeslag i Brasilien

København – 29. juli: I sidste uge blev en 68-årige leder af Waiãpa folket fundet død i en flod nær hans landsby i det nordlige Brasilien. Drabet skete samtidig med, at omkring 50 guldgravere – heraf nogle svært bevæbnet – er blevet spottet i Waiãpernes lukkede reservat. Drabet er et nyt
...IWGIA condemns killing of indigenous leader in Brazil

Emyra Waiãpi, a 68-year-old indigenous leader, was stabbed to death last week as around 50 gold miners, a dozen of whom were heavily armed, entered the remote Waiãpi indigenous reserve in the northern Brazilian state of Amapá, which borders French Guiana, reported multiple Brazilian and
...Indigenous peoples lives and their rights increasingly at risk

Press release: On 24 April 2019, at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York, IWGIA will release The Indigenous World 2019, an extensive, one-of-a-kind yearbook presenting a comprehensive, global overview of the developments indigenous peoples’ experience.
Pressemeddelelse: Oprindelige folk oplever et stigende antal konflikter og trusler

Oprindelige folk i hele verden oplever et stigende pres på deres jordrettigheder såvel som deres rettigheder til at ytre sig. Det dokumenterer dette års udgave af ”The Indigenous World”, der beskriver udviklingen for oprindelige folk i 2017. I alt dækker bogen udviklingen i 56 lande og 13
...Press release: The Indigenous World 2018

Indigenous peoples' rights to land at the core of a paradigm shift - This and many other trends can be understood by browsing through The Indigenous World 2018. The only book available that offers a comprehensive yearly overview of the developments indigenous peoples experience around the
...Philippines: Distressing terrorist accusations against UN expert on indigenous peoples' rights and indigenous leaders

Indigenous leaders and UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Ms. Tauli-Corpuz have been put on a terror list, issued by Philippines State Prosecutor, February 21st.
Indigenous women target of rape in land-related conflicts in Bangladesh

Indigenous women and girls in Bangladesh are increasingly being raped in land-related conflicts, especially in militarized areas. An alarming trend worth reflecting upon on the International Women’s Day 2018.
New green powers in the global land grab violate indigenous peoples’ rights

LAND RIGHTS: Industries and investors lead the global land grab for new agribusiness and green projects at the cost of local communities and indigenous peoples. A new report guides you through the complexities and the legal frameworks related to human rights and today’s scramble for land.
Danish development expert and indigenous Maori new board chairs for IWGIA
A new board has been constituted in the second week of January 2017 following the planned replacement of board members whose term had come to an end.
The new chairman of the board is Knud Vilby, an experienced Danish journalist and development consultant. Knud Vilby has been sitting
8th Session of the EMRIP: Joint statement on indigenous rights and World Heritage

Joint statement on the continued lack of protection of the rights of indigenous peoples with respect to their cultural heritage in the context of UNESCO’s World Heritage Convention
Joint statement of: Endorois Welfare Council, Saami Council &
...Russia: Indigenous community on Sakhalin island observes large fish kill, suspects oil spill

Indigenous residents of Nekrasovka village in the North of Sakhalin island are desparate. This winter, the largely fish-dependent community has seen large-scale fish kill in the nearby Pomr bay, their traditional fishing ground. As a result, the population of the village located on the shore of
...Statement by IWGIA’s partner AIPP on Human Rights Day
This year’s slogan for Human Rights Day is, "Human Rights 365". This encompasses the idea that every day is Human Rights Day. It celebrates the fundamental proposition in the Universal Declaration that each one of us, everywhere, at all times is entitled to the full range of human rights, that
...Paraguay: Statement by UN Special Rapporteur upon conclusion of official visit
Upon concluding her eight day visit to Paraguay the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, provided her preliminary observations and
New hydropower projects in Russia's Far East threaten indigenous peoples' livelihood

The Russian state-owned hydropower corporation RusHydro" and the Chinese "Three Gorges" corporation have signed a deal over the joint realisation of a large project in the Far East of the Russian Federation. The cost of the project may amount up to 230 billion rubles (4 billion EUR or 5
...UN Special mandate-holders: Respect human rights in Climate Change negotiations
This week, the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action is meeting in Bonn.
...IWGIA: Letter to the World Bank related to ongoing review of Safeguard Policy
IWGIA has sent a letter to the World Bank related to the review of its Environmental and Social Safeguard Policies. By proposing an alternative approach to applying its safeguards on Indigenous Peoples the bank disregards international law on indigenous peoples rights and undermines
...Russia: Ministry in charge of indigenous affairs to be dissolved
According Russian media reports, President Putin has accepted a proposal by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to dissolve the Federal Ministry of Regional
...Bangladesh: CHTC condemns attack on its Coordinator in Bandarban
Press statement
Dhaka, 27 August, 2014. The International Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission (CHTC) strongly condemns the brutal and cowardly attack upon Hana Shams Ahmed, Coordinator of the Commission, and her friend, a woman academic, during a private visit by them to
...Why are indigenous people left out of the sustainable development goals?
Despite promises to leave no one behind, the UN drafting committee has little to say about halting threats to indigenous peoples survival. On his blog at the Guardian Jonathan Glennie explains why development can be considered a threat as much as an
...Press release: World Bank moves to undermine the rights of indigenous peoples
In an unprecedented move, the World Bank will be proposing that governments could ‘opt-out’ of requirements designed to protect indigenous peoples from unintended and negative consequences from development activities funded by the multilateral lender. In a leaked draft of new environmental and
...WCIP: Joint letter proposes addition about regional developments to the zero draft
The letter signed by indigenous organisations and support NGO’s underlines the importance of including a new Preambular Paragraph to the current Zero draft of the outcome document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples.
The Preambular Paragraph should welcome regional
Latest update on the UN World Conference on Indigenous Peoples
At the end of May, indigenous peoples were left with frustration and disappointment as the preparatory process for the realization of the High Level Plenary Meeting of the UN General Assembly, to be known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (WCIP) was left in a limbo at the closing
...Russia: "We Izhma Komi are indigenous people and this is our land"

On 13 April, a meeting took place in the village of Krasnobor between residents representing 15 settlements of Izhma district and representatives of"LUKOIL" and "LUKOIL-Komi". The attempts of LUKOil representativess to "agree" privately with the leaders of civic organisations of the
...Philippines: Cordillera indigenous activist and human rights defender killed
Cordillera Human Rights Alliance denounces the extrajudicial killing of William Bugatti who was shot on March 25 around 7 in the evening. William Bugatti was a Tuwali and a human rights worker, a Regional Council Member of the Cordillera Human Rights Alliance-KARAPATAN, a Regional Council
...Debate about uranium mining in Greenland
Next week, Greenlandic and Danish environmental organizations will host a conference on uranium mining in Greenland. The half-day conference will take place in Copenhagen and aims at having a critical debate on the impacts of uranium mining in both Greenland and in the rest of the world. In
...Philippines: Update on indignous peoples' situation after thypoon Yolanda
Almost a month after the typhoon hit the central Philippines, here are some updates about the situation for indigenous peoples in the country:
Palawan island There have been two waves of relief operation and distribution in the barangays of Dillan, Lajala, Banuang Daan,
...International: Statement by the special rapporteur for the 12th session of UNPFII
Statement by Professor James Anaya Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples Twelfth Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 22 May 2013, New York
IACHR Urges to Investigate Information on Massacre of a Yanomami Community
Washington, D.C. – The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) expresses its deepest concern about the informaton on a massacre that allegedly took place in the Community of Irotatheri, of the Yanomami Indigenous Peoples, Municipality of Alto Orinoco, Amazonas State, Venezuela.
...Paraguay: FAPI Statement on the current political and social situation
Following the dismissal of President Fernando Lugo through an abrupt and traumatic process for all of us, and given the present political situation in Paraguay, FAPI, a body that unites several indigenous peoples’ organisations of the western and eastern regions of the country, wishes to inform
...COP 17: Political will needed now!
Press statement: POLITICAL WILL NEEDED NOW! Indigenous networks call on states-parties to act decisively in Durban 5 DECEMBER (Durban, South Africa) - Governments present in Durban continue to display lack of political will to move the Durban Climate Talks forward.
Indigenous adress to the Barent Euro-Arctic Council
Your Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, Allow me first of all to thank the member states of the Barents Council for providing the indigenous peoples representatives through the Working Group of Indigenous Peoples (WGIP) the opportunity to address Barents Euro-Arctic Council 13th session 2011
...Israel: Bill will force Bedouins to pay for destruction of their own homes
An urgent appeal to the United Nations The Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality today appealed to various representatives of the UN to avert the passing of a discriminatory legal amendment aimed at placing the payment of house demolitions on homeowners. The proposed law will not apply to
...Colombia: Call to action
On June 2, 2011, people in Colombia and other parts of the world will join to mark the 10th anniversary of the forced disappearance of Colombian Indigenous leader Kimy Pernia Domico, and draw attention to ongoing threats and attacks against Indigenous peoples in Colombia. The Jenzerá Collective
...Ensure the full recognition of our rights in a Cancun climate decision
The Indigenous Peoples’ Network on Climate Change and Sustainable Development (IPCSSD) welcomes the document (FCCC/AWGLCA/2010/CRP.3) which was released today. We welcome the inclusion of paragraphs 7 and 8 which recognize the need for effective participation of indigenous peoples and fully
...Russia: Residents of Northern Yakutia feel devastating effects of global warming
According to the Russian news agency Vostok-Media, Chukchi representatives from Yakutia say, that their community might disappear within the next decade. This is what Villagers of Kolymskoye told the Russian news agency Vostok-Media, responding to questions about the impact of the record summer
...International: UNPFII Welcomes New Zealand's Endorsement of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Statement of Mr. Carlos Mamani, Chair of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) Mr. Carlos Mamani, Chair of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), welcomed New Zealand’s endorsement of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples,