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UN Special mandate-holders: Respect human rights in Climate Change negotiations

This week, the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action is meeting in Bonn. On this occasion, the Special Procedures mandate-holders of the Human Rights Council, in an open letter, call upon States to respect, protect, promote and fulfil human rights for all in all climate change related actions

In the letter, the mandate holders urge State Parties to the UNFCCC "to recognise the adverse effects of climate change on the enjoyment of human rights, and to adopt urgent and ambitious mitigation and adaptation measures to prevent further harm". 

The fact that vulnerable groups, such as indigenous peoples and their specific ways of life are disproportionately affected by climate change, is highlighted, and the letter calls on States to "meet their duties to provide access to information and facilitate informed public participation in decision making, especially the participation of those most affected by climate change and by the actions taken to address it".

The letter also specifically refers to the obligations of States to respect the principle of free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples.

Read the open letter here

Tags: Climate, Press releases



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