Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights Defenders Forge Solidarity Amid Rising Challenges

Across the world, Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights Defenders (IPHRDs) face threats and reprisals for standing up for their rights, protesting violations, protecting their territories, communities, and the environment. In doing so they are far too often victims of violence, harassment, arbitrary arrest, forced disappearance, and worse, killings. And these threats are increasing.

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Joint Statement: Call for Urgent Action on Repeated Violence in CHT

We are deeply concerned about the ongoing violence and attacks on the Indigenous Peoples of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT). Recent deadly attacks by Bengali settlers in the presence of state forces, in Khagrachari and Dighinala on 19 September, and in Rangamati on 20 September[1], have resulted in the deaths of four Indigenous persons (one in Rangamati and three in Khagrachari) and widespread arson attacks on Indigenous houses, businesses, and Buddhist places of worship. These events were ostensibly sparked by the alleged mob killing of a settler who was attempting to steal a motorbike.[2]

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Urgent Alert: Violent attacks on Indigenous Jummo People in Bangladesh

IWGIA is deeply concerned about the ongoing violent attacks on the Indigenous Jummo peoples in Dighinala Upazila, Khagrachari district, Bangladesh. According to local sources, several people have been injured, and numerous homes and businesses belonging to the Jummo community have been burned to ashes by Bengali settlers on the evening of 19 September 2024. IWGIA has also received photographic evidence showing Bengali settlers looting and setting fire to Jummo properties, with military personnel present, but failing to intervene.

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Joint Statement on Violent attacks on Indigenous Jummo People in Bangladesh

We are deeply concerned about the ongoing attacks on Indigenous Jummo people in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) since September 19, 2024. The unrest began following the alleged mob killing of a Bengali settler on September 18. Without any proper investigation, Bengali settler organizations unjustly placed the blame on the Jummo community, despite the Officer-in-Charge of Khagrachari Police station confirming a different narrative[1]. Using this as a pretext, Bengali settlers launched violent attacks on Jummo individuals in Dighinala Upazila, Khagrachari, and set their properties ablaze on the evening of September 19[2].

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Caught in the Crossfire: The Plight of the Bawm Community and Unveiling the Complex Ties Between the Bangladesh Military and the Kuki-Chin National Front

After recent weeks of unrest that began in July over protests seeking to abolish a civil service job quota system, leaving more than 757 dead[1], Bangladesh is in a process of rebuilding. Former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned and fled the country to India and criminal cases against her and other minsters have already been filed to take responsibility over the deaths.

Meanwhile, the country is being led by an interim government with Nobel laureate Muhammed Yunus as its head.

For Indigenous Peoples in the country this could open an opportunity to secure more recognition and protection of their rights and to fully exercise their rights, which continued to be seriously violated during Hasina’s 15-year iron-fisted rule. They seek proper Constitutional acknowledgement and at least one legitimate seat at the table as a partner in the new process of state building.

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IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Read more.

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Indigenous World

IWGIA's global report, the Indigenous World, provides an update of the current situation for Indigenous Peoples worldwide. Read The Indigenous World.

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