Mercosur - European Union Trade Agreement: Risks and Challenges for Indigenous Peoples in Brazil

Indigenous Peoples protesting in front of Brazilian high court
Publisher: IWGIA
Author: Ricardo Verdum
Number of pages: 38
ISBN number: 978-87-93961-46-3
Publication language: English
Country publication is about: Brazil, Brasil
Financially supported by: IWGIA
Release year: 2021
Release Month | Day: Sep/01
Download URL:

In this report, we will see that the situation of the land rights of Indigenous Peoples and communities is at extreme risk of setback, especially as a result of a coalition of forces under the coordination of sectors interested in expanding the agricultural frontier over Indigenous Lands.

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Building alliances in pandemic times: the Zapatista journey through Europe

After a month and a half of navigation through the Atlantic Ocean, the seven members of the Zapatista Army of Liberation (EZLN) arrived to Spain on June 21 and crossed the border to France the second week of July. In their journey they´ll visit different groups and communities that resist territorial dispossession and the destruction of nature in over 30 European countries. In the context of a civilizatory crisis that has generated the pandemic of Covid-19, the Zapatistas intend to strengthen ties of international solidarity that allow us to imagine other possible worlds.
Painting: Paola Stefani La Madrid

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Bolivia: the Multiethnic Indigenous Territory’s struggle for autonomy


While awaiting a referendum to approve their statute and initiate the new Indigenous Autonomous Government, the communities need to improve the management of their territory and natural resources. The territory's high biodiversity and the communities' livelihoods are being threatened by illegal logging, poaching and fishing, as well as the construction of a road that is facilitating illegal access to the territory.

Photo: Community of San Antonio del Cuverene. Photo: Fátima Monasterio

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Oil drilling damage, prior consultation and environmental conservation in Peru


Oil exploitation in the region of Loreto has affected the environment, the roles of the ecosystems, health, and the ways of life of indigenous communities. The Quechua, Achuar, Urarina, Kichwa, and Kukama peoples, together known as the Puinamudt organization, are fighting for their right to prior consultation to be respected in view of the forthcoming concession for an operator to exploit Lot 192.

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Joint Submission to the draft general comment on Land and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to CESCR submitted

IWGIA and AIPP submission on the draft general comment on Land and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights -

Submitted to CESCR 11-08-2021

IWGIA and AIPP welcome the opportunity to make comments and inputs to the draft general comment on Land and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The right to land is fundamental for the livelihoods, food security, identity and very survival of the world's more than 450 million Indigenous People, and it is therefore very important that the unique dimensions of Indigenous Peoples’ land rights feature clearly in the general comment. While some references to Indigenous Peoples are made in the draft document, IWGIA and AIPP believe that these should be strengthened and further developed.

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IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Read more.

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