At the international level, Indigenous Peoples’ right to participate in decision-making processes in relation to issues that have a direct impact on their lives and future continues to be an uphill battle, including facing political and procedural barriers to their effective participation.
A considerable number of UN organisations and other multilateral institutions consider Indigenous Peoples’ rights as a marginal issue within their broader mandate. Many of the policies and programmes that directly affect Indigenous Peoples’ rights and well-being are developed and implemented without much regard for their rights or the considerations of international human rights standards regarding Indigenous Peoples.
There is therefore a pressing need to ensure that Indigenous Peoples’ voices continue to be heard and that the international community pays particular attention to their situation. It is also crucial that Indigenous Peoples continue to be able to effectively use the international human rights system to seek redress for human rights violations, especially today, in a COVID-19 world, where the pandemic does not allow for physical meetings that provide space for informal access to decisionmakers, and which may limit opportunities for influence.
Although IWGIA has worked extensively for decades to strengthen the focus of international bodies on Indigenous Peoples’ rights, there is still more to do. While this important work will continue, IWGIA’s global governance also seeks to address one of the biggest challenges faced by Indigenous Peoples: ensuring respect and protection of their rights at the national level. There is a lack of accountability on the part of many states for their international human rights obligations and commitments with regard to Indigenous Peoples’ rights, including their systematic disregard of recommendations made by international and regional human rights institutions and mechanisms.
We believe that more decisive action is urgently needed to ensure accountability
of states with regard to their international human rights obligations and
commitments on Indigenous Peoples’ rights. We will strengthen our efforts to
promote multi-stakeholder engagement initiatives at national, regional and
international levels aimed at monitoring and following up on recommendations
made by international and regional human rights mechanisms.

Documenting: To enhance Indigenous Peoples’ access to justice and redress for violations of their rights, we will produce evidence-based human rights documentation and reports for submission to international and regional human rights mechanisms. The documentation produced will also be a key tool for Indigenous Peoples to enhance their engagement in and contribution to global decision-making processes, particularly in relation to Sustainable Development Goal monitoring, Indigenous women’s rights and climate action.
Advocating: We will undertake advocacy initiatives alongside our partners and with our allies at the national, regional and international level, especially at UN human rights bodies’ and mechanisms’ events, as well as those of regional human rights institutions, such as the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights. We will apply a “toolbox approach” in order to support Indigenous partners in using a pool of strategic international human rights mechanisms and global processes to vindicate their rights, aimed at increasing state accountability for the protection of Indigenous Peoples’ rights. We will also seek more decisive action to ensure Indigenous Peoples are not left behind in the review and implementation of the SDGs by ensuring their inclusion in and contribution to the development of national action plans, state reviews and regional strategies.
Supporting empowerment: We will enhance the capacity and knowledge of Indigenous Peoples to engage in global decision-making processes that affect their lives and future and to effectively use human rights mechanisms to seek redress for human rights violations. Central to this is demanding and facilitating the full and effective participation of Indigenous Peoples at all levels of decision-making that affect their rights and interests.

Combating violence against indigenous women and girls
The UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) adopted recommendations on combating violence against indigenous women and girls at its 11th session in May 2012. The recommendations were based on those from the International Expert Group Meeting on Combating Violence against Indigenous Women...
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Risk of serious setback for indigenous participation in the UN
During the last weeks, IWGIA has been receiving disturbing news from New York about the hesitancy of the current President of the General Assembly to reconfirm the appointment of an indigenous co-facilitator on an equal basis with a State representative to facilitate the debate and negotiations related...
Read More... UN overrides indigenous peoples’ internal process for nomination of Expert
“We need to assert respect for indigenous peoples-led selection process and safeguard the integrity and independence of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues that resulted from the global movement of indigenous peoples,” says Tebtebba (Indigenous Peoples’ International Centre for Policy ...
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WCIP: Joint letter proposes addition about regional developments to the zero draft
The letter signed by indigenous organisations and support NGO’s underlines the importance of including a new Preambular Paragraph to the current Zero draft of the outcome document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples. The Preambular Paragraph should welcome regional developments regarding...
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IWGIA: Letter to the World Bank related to ongoing review of Safeguard Policy
IWGIA has sent a letter to the World Bank related to the review of its Environmental and Social Safeguard Policies. By proposing an alternative approach to applying its safeguards on Indigenous Peoples the bank disregards international law on indigenous peoples rights and undermines achievements...
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Statement by IWGIA’s partner AIPP on Human Rights Day
This year’s slogan for Human Rights Day is, "Human Rights 365". This encompasses the idea that every day is Human Rights Day. It celebrates the fundamental proposition in the Universal Declaration that each one of us, everywhere, at all times is entitled to the full range of human rights, that...
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UN Tracks Progress on Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People
At its sixty-fourth session, the United Nation's General Assembly discussed the findings of the Secretary General’s midterm report tracking the progress made in the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People so far. UN organizations, NGOs, and states contributed to the findings...
Read More... CEDAW adopts pioneer binding instrument on the rights of Indigenous women and girls
At its 82nd session on 26 October, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) adopted general recommendation No. 39 on the rights of Indigenous women and girls. This is the first time CEDAW calls on State parties to pay more attention to issues affecting...
Read More...Nothing about us without us: Indigenous Peoples at the 41st Universal Periodic Review of states' human rights records
Last Friday 18 November concluded in Geneva the 41st session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group, the mechanism that examines the human rights record of UN Member States.
Read More...Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples for his report to the 77th Session of the UN General Assembly: Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and UNESCO World Heritage Sites Jointly submitted by: International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA), International...
Read More...University of Arizona’s Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program Hosts the Special Rapporteur and Offers Students Exciting Experiential Learning Opportunities
New Online Resource for Indigenous Advocates Author: Berardino, Sharon Marie
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Social media gives voice to indigenous communities
With about half the world’s indigenous people living in cities -where connection to the wired world is comparatively easy - electronic media is playing a growing role in promoting their rights. “Thanks to the Internet, it only takes a couple of seconds for news related to indigenous communities to...
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Report about the World Heritage Convention and Indigenous Peoples
In September 2012, the Danish Agency for Culture, the Greenland Government and IWGIA together hosted an International Expert Workshop on the World Heritage Convention and Indigenous Peoples as part of the Convention’s 40th Anniversary.
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International: Statement by the special rapporteur for the 12th session of UNPFII
Statement by Professor James Anaya Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples Twelfth Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 22 May 2013, New York
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UN: Danish Minister directs attention to indigenous peoples’ access to education
In his statement on education at the 4th session of the General assembly open work group on sustainable development goals held this week in New York, the Danish Minister for Development Cooperation, Christian Friis Bach, directed attention to indigenous peoples’ access to education. The Minister...
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New manual aims to further practical implementation of the UNDRIP
The new manual “The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples – A Manual for National Human Rights Institutions”, by the the Asia Pacific Forum and the UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner, aims at increased engagement by national human rights institutions in...
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Anaya's comments on sexual health and reproductive rights of indigenous peoples
The Special Rapporteur James Anaya presented his comments during the International Expert Group Meeting held in New York last week. Anaya opened the conference outlining the barriers faced by indigenous peoples in regard to the realization of their right to health, including inadequate access to...
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World Bank: Poverty Rates Strikingly High Among Indigenous Populations
The highest percentages of indigenous people in proportion to the total national population are in China (36 percent), South Asia (32 percent) and Southeast Asia (10 percent), according to “Indigenous Peoples, Poverty, and Development”, a treatise on indigenous peoples in Asia, Africa and Latin...
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Rio+20:Indigenous Peoples International Declaration on Self-Determination and Sustainable Development
Indigenous Peoples International Declaration on Self-Determination and Sustainable Development 19 June, 2012, Rio De Janeiro Indigenous Peoples from all regions of the world met at the “Indigenous Peoples International Conference on Sustainable Development and Self Determination,” from June 17th –...
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International: UN General Assembly adopts the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
With an overwhelming majority of 143 votes in favour, only 4 negative votes cast (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United States) and 11 abstentions, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples on September 13, 2007.
Read More... Indigenous women request UN to nominate a facilitator for world-level meeting
Indigenous Women of the Americas today requested John Ashe, President of the United Nations General Assembly, to designate an indigenous delegate who, together with the states’ representative, will facilitate the process of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples to be held this September.
Read More...Reactions to the outcome of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous peoples express moderate satisfaction with the Outcome Document adopted Monday 22 September at the UN World Conference on Indigenous Peoples: It is not as action oriented as was hoped for, but it confirms and reaffirms the language of the UN Declaration and will be an important tool for...
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New Special Rapporteurship on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
Taking into account the interdependent and indivisible nature of human rights, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) decided to initiate a process to create an Office of the Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ESCR).
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Overall Disappointment at the United Nations: World Conference endangered
Indigenous peoples were left with frustration and disappointment as the preparatory process for the realization of the High Level Plenary Meeting also known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples was left in a limbo at the closing session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.
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Latest update on the UN World Conference on Indigenous Peoples
At the end of May, indigenous peoples were left with frustration and disappointment as the preparatory process for the realization of the High Level Plenary Meeting of the UN General Assembly, to be known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (WCIP) was left in a limbo at the closing...
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Press release: World Bank moves to undermine the rights of indigenous peoples
In an unprecedented move, the World Bank will be proposing that governments could ‘opt-out’ of requirements designed to protect indigenous peoples from unintended and negative consequences from development activities funded by the multilateral lender. In a leaked draft of new environmental and...
Read More... Submission to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Drafting of the General Recommendation on the Rights of Indigenous Women and Girls With this written submission, the International Work Group on Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) seeks to bring forward the voices, perspectives and experiences of indigenous women and girls, particularly from Africa, Asia, Latin...
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Why are indigenous people left out of the sustainable development goals?
Despite promises to leave no one behind, the UN drafting committee has little to say about halting threats to indigenous peoples survival. On his blog at the Guardian Jonathan Glennie explains why development can be considered a threat as much as an opportunity.
Read More... 45th Session of the Human Rights Council
The Human Rights Council is the main intergovernmental body within the United Nations system responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights around the globe. It therefore plays a pivotal role in the promotion and the protection of Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Most of the gains...
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UN Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Peoples reports to UN General Assembly
On 18 October 2010, Prof. James Anaya, UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights Situation of Indigenous Peoples, presented his second annual report to the United Nations General Assembly in New York during its 65th session. In his report, Prof. James Anaya notes that indigenous peoples are...
Read More... Joint submission on the situation of the Ogiek to the Human Rights Council's 45th Session
45th regular session of the Human Rights Council14 September to 2 October 2020Item 3Submission related to the “Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the rights of indigenous peoples”: https://undocs.org/en/A/HRC/45/22 ( paragraphs 38 and 39) The Ogiek Peoples...
Read More...IWGIA's submission on the Congo Brazzaville country report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples
45th regular session of the Human Rights Council14 September to 6 October 2020Item 3Interactive dialogue with SR on the rights of indigenous peoples24th of September 2020 IWGIA's submission on the Congo Brazzaville country report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples...
Read More...Joint submission on the Human Rights Situation of Indigenous Peoples in Cambodia
45th regular session of the Human Rights Council14 September to 2 October 2020Agenda Item 2Country situations information on the human rights situation of Indigenous Peoples in Cambodia IWGIA and AIPP are happy to learn from the report to the HRC that the OHCHR has been raising awareness and...
Read More...Submission on the Report of the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar
45th regular session of the Human Rights Council14 September to 2 October 2020Report of the Independent Investigative Mechanism for MyanmarAgenda item 2 IWGIA and AIPP welcome the establishment of the independent investigative mechanism with the mandate to collect, consolidate, preserve and analyse...
Read More...ILO Convention No. 169
The ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention No. 169 is an international treaty, adopted by the International Labour Conference of the ILO in 1989.