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IACHR in crisis: Strong Support to Public Statement

Facing the crisis affecting the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (CIDH), the International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) and Observatorio Ciudadano Chile have prepared a public statement and call organisations to endorse the demand to reach a solution to the actual crisis. 

Causes of the current crisis

For Nancy Yáñez, co-director of  Observatorio Ciudadano de Chile, the crisis of the Commission ‘is not only financial, but fundamentally political, which ultimately turns vulnerable a fundamental element of democracy, which is the defence of human rights’.

According to the lawyer, the crisis is caused by an ‘action deliberately taken by some States' in response to the effectiveness of the inter-American human rights system, which has challenged the neoliberal and extractive model prevailing in the countries.

"The Commission has been fundamental in the democratic transition of the countries in the region after dictatorships, promoted by a strong support of  the member states, but the attitude changes when talking about extractive industry and its impacts on communities, withdrawing their contributions and plunging the Commission into the current crisis', she added.

Gaston Chillier, Executive Director of  Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS) in Argentina also highlighted the role of the Commission ‘in the context of dictatorships’. He pointed out 'this is not the first crisis of the Commission, but  it is certainly the most serious’.

Chiller also recognized the broad agenda of issues addressed by the Commission on the topic of freedom of expression, migration, indigenous peoples, ‘all in which IACHR remains a key institution for the exercise of human rights’.

The poor contributions of the Member States

According to the representative of CELS in Argentina, the actual crisis ‘does not speak well of the States of the region, since the contributions delivered are very poor and ultimately makes the Commission dependant on international agencies or European institutions’.

He also warned that ‘a Commission weakened it is not good for the people of the region and their human rights’.  Subsequently he called on the States ‘to express their support or not to the functioning of the system’.

María Jose Veramendi, representative of Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente (AIDA), stressed that the suspension of international cooperation’s funds, mainly European, 'will desintegrate groups with specific tasks, such as the one being responsible of deciding on precautionary measures’.

On this note, she also described as unacceptable the fact that the member states do not want to finance a system they have created and that ‘today only 6 percent of the budget OF THE Organisation of American States (OAS) is allocated to this protection system’.

Finally, José Aylwin, co-director of the Observatorio Ciudadano de Chile, said that the commitment shown by President Michelle Bachetet to fullfill contribution is not enough, taking into consideration that Chile’s contributions have been reduced compared to previous years. On this regard, he expressed his support to search for a permanent funding mechanism. On the other hand, he warned that ‘Chile has a deficit not only of a financial nature regarding this protection system, but also regarding the Commission’s judgments that have not been complied’. 


A recent announcement by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) explains that it is experiencing a serious financial crisis that is forcing it to suspend all country visits planned for this year plus the hearings scheduled for July and October. It will also have to cut its workforce by 40%.
And yet more serious still is the fact that this crisis is not due to management problems attributable to the IACHR. The crisis has arisen because the Member States of the Organization of American States (OAS) have substantially reduced the amount of their voluntary contributions to this body or have stopped contributing altogether, for reasons that are fundamentally political.

Canada suspended its contributions to the IACHR under its last conservative administration and, to date, despite the change in government, has not yet reinstated them. Colombia, another important donor, has also stopped contributing. Argentina made essential contributions to the IACHR aimed at holding the Argentine state and its agents to account for the mass human rights violations committed in the country under the dictatorship. However, as the IACHR began to tackle other human rights issues, Argentina’s contribution began to decline, and currently stands at 10% its previous amount. Mexico, for its part, is only willing to provide earmarked funds destined exclusively to financing the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI) in order to clarify the events that occurred during the disappearance of 43 young students from Ayotzinapa. In 2015, Chile reduced its contribution to the IACHR by half in comparison with the previous year. The remaining OAS Member States are in arrears in their payment of their permanent quotas to the organisation, which means it is unable to transfer all the regular funding allocated to the IACHR for its operations.

There is, in our opinion, a structural problem because a permanent fund is needed to guarantee the effective running of the IACHR in such a way that will effectively protect and defend human rights in the region. The IACRH’s operations were in the past guaranteed via the contributions of observer states and international cooperation agencies but these have also reduced their donations. In the context of the current financial crisis, this means that some 40% of the workforce who were hired with funds from these donors will have to be laid off.

Unfortunately, the human rights situation in the region is deteriorating. Enforced disappearances of people, violence against human rights defenders and their criminalisation, the dispossession of the territories, lands and natural resources of indigenous peoples, the growing precarity of indigenous peoples’, peasants’ and local communities’ subsistence economies are all an inescapable reality. The most complex human rights problems, in previous decades attributable to the proliferation of dictatorships on the continent, now have their origins largely in the impact of the extractive industry, particularly in Latin America. This extractive industry has been supported by States in order to preserve a globalised economic model based on a free market in natural resources or commodities.

Under these circumstances, the Inter-American Human Rights System has undoubtedly played an essential role in safeguarding human rights in the Americas. The IACHR and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IHR Court) are irreplaceable in terms of protecting the rights of individuals, indigenous peoples and human rights defenders, who are experiencing systematic violations of their human rights against a backdrop of growing violence and threats to the lives and integrity of individuals and peoples across the continent, all of which is taking place with the tacit consent of the States and their institutions.

In light of the above, the signatory organisations to this statement are making a vigorous appeal to all OAS Member States to change their approach and explicitly demonstrate their democratic vocation, expressed through their full and unwavering commitment to protecting and defending the human rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals and peoples. They need to be aware that the effective implementation of human rights requires mechanisms – national and international – through which to be able to denounce their violation, such that the victims have access to justice and reparation.

The extent of the IACHR’s financial crisis, caused by the OAS Member States, is making it unable to fulfil its mandate and is thus depriving the citizens and peoples of this continent of democratic institutional frameworks through which to fully enjoy their rights, creating an intolerable situation.
We are therefore calling on all OAS Member States to create an emergency fund with which to stabilise the operations of the IACHR so that it is able to fulfil its timetable of activities for 2016. We also urge the Member States to establish a permanent and regular fund at the next OAS General Assembly aimed at guaranteeing full implementation of the mandate of the bodies of the Inter-American Human Rights System.

The statement was sign by the following organisations: 


Comunidad Agrícola y Diaguita de los Huascoaltinos  (Chile)

Organización Mapuche AD-MAPU (Chile)

Centro de Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos (CINTRAS) (Chile)

Servicio Paz y Justicia (SERPAJ) (Chile)

Centro de Investigación y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos, (CINPRODH) (Chile)

Asociación de Memoria y Derechos Humanos Venda Sexy (Chile)

Memoria y Derechos Humanos en los Ríos (Chile)

Asociación Chilena de Organismos No Gubernamentales, ACCIÓN A.G. (Chile)

Centro de Estudios de la Mujer (CEM) (Chile)

Fundación Terram (Chile)

ONG FIMA (Chile)

Fundación Iguales (Chile)

ONG Agenda Pública (Chile)

Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS) (Argentina)

Centro de Derechos y Desarrollo en Perú (CEDAL) (Peru)

Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos (Peru)

Taller de Derechos Humanos Alfredo Torero, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Peru)

Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana (Peru)

Red Peruana por una Globalización con Equidad (Peru)

Perú Equidad (Peru)

Servindi (Peru)

Centro de Estudios Jurídicos e Investigación Social (CEJIS) (Bolivia)

Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Laboral y Agrario (CEDLA) (Bolivia)

Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesino (CIPCA) (Bolivia)

Casa de la Mujer (Bolivia)

Red ACLO (Bolivia)

Mujeres en Acción (Bolivia)

Radio Pío XII (Bolivia)

Comunidad de Juristas Akubadaura (Colombia)

Colectivo Jenzera (Colombia)

Instituto Curicaca (Brasil)

Fundación Regional de Asesoría de Derechos Humanos-INREDH (Ecuador)

Tierraviva (Paraguay)

Madre Tierra México A.C. (Mexico)

FIAN Internacional (Mexico)

Servicios Universitarios y Redes de Conocimiento en Oaxaca SURCO A.C. (Mexico)

Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS) (Mexico)

Convergencia de Organizaciones Sociales y Ciudadanos “México Mejor Sin TPP”

Convergencia de Movimientos Sociales contra el Acuerdo Transpacífico (eéxico)

Red Mexicana de Acción Frente al Libre Comercio (RMALC) (Mexico)

Red de Acción en Plaguicidas y Alternativas  (RAPAM) A.C. (Mexico)

Campaña Nacional Sin Maíz No Hay País (Mexico)

Asociación de Industriales de la Transformación (Mexico)

Actuar Familiares Contra la Tortura (Mexico)

Red de Alerta Temprana (Mexico)

Fundación Diego Lucero A.C. (Mexico)

Asociación de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos y Víctimas de Violaciones de Derechos Humanos en México (AFADEM FEDEFAM) (Mexico)

Asociación Nacional de Abogados Democráticos (ANAD) (Mexico)

Observatorio Nacional de Prisiones México (ONP) (Mexico)

Red Universitaria de Monitores de Derechos Humanos (RUMODH) (Mexico)

Liga Mexicana por la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos A.C. (LIMEDDHH) (Mexico)

Centro de Derechos Humanos Coordinadora 28 de Mayo A.C. (Mexico)

Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Francisco de Vitoria O.P., A.C. (Mexico)

Asociación de Derechos Humanos del Estado de México (ADHEM) (Mexico)

Comité de Familiares de Personas desaparecidas en México (Mexico)

Alzando Voces y Comité de Defensa de Derechos Humanos CHOLOLLAN (Mexico)

Artillería Visual (Mexico)

Movimiento Nacional Aquí Estamos (MONAE) (Mexico)

Derechos en el Mundo del trabajo (Mexico)

Bloque de Organizaciones Sociales Emiliano Zapata (Mexico)

UPVA 28 de octubre (Mexico)

Unión Cívica Felipe Carrillo Puerto, (UCFCP) (Mexico)

Nuestra Voz Radio y Emisión Alterna (Mexico)

Centro de Derechos Humanos “Antonio Esteban” (Mexico)

Asociación Canadiense por el Derecho y la Verdad (ACDV) (Mexico)

Frente Mexiquense en Defensa para una Vivienda Digna A.C. (Mexico)

Asociación Proteger, Miembro Observador Permanente Convención de Cambio Climático (ONU)

Almáciga (Spain)

Asociación Perifèries (Valencia, Spain)

alterNativa Intercambio con Pueblos Indígenas (Spain)

Entrepueblos/Entrepobles/Entrepobos/Herriart (Spain)

Rainforest Foundation Norway (Norway)

Grupo de Apoyo a los Pueblos de América Latina (GRAPAL) (Norway)

Nordeco (Denmark)

IL CERCHIO, Coordinación italiana de apoyo a/por los Nativos Americanos (Italy)


Individual Endorsements:


Bartolomé Clavero, catedrático Facultad de Derecho Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)

Terry Mitchell, Ph.D., C.Psych, Indigenous Rights and Social Justice Research Group, Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada)

Isabel Orellana, directora Maestría en Ciencias Ambientales, Instituto de Ciencias Ambientales, investigadora Centro de investigación en educación y formación en medio ambiente y ecociudadanía, Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada)

Julie Wetterslev, PhD. Researcher, investigating the impact of the Inter-American System of HR on Indigenous Peoples Rights (Denmark, Italy)

Francesco Orlandi, MA Università di Bologna, PhD candidate at University of Exeter (Italy)

Emanuel Gómez Martínez, profesor investigador Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Maestría en Ciencias en Desarrollo Rural Regional (MCDRR), Coordinador programa académico en Chiapas (Mexico)

Araceli Burguete Cal, profesora-investigadora CIESAS (Mexico)

Julieta Ponce, directora de Intervención COA Nutrición (Mexico)

Alejandro Villamar, Red Mexicana de Acción frente al Libre Comercio (RMALC) (Mexico)

Raúl Jiménez, presidente de la Asociación de Abogados Democráticos, ANAD (Mexico)

Mariana Escalante López, Vía Orgánica Asociación Civil y Millones Contra Monsanto (Mexico)

Manuel Rabasa Guevara, Colectivo Peninsular Ko’one’ex tan (Mexico)

Quetzal Tzab, experto Pueblos Indígenas, derechos humanos y cooperación Internacional, UNAM (Mexico)

Luisa Elvira Belaunde. Antropóloga. Docente Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Carmen Junqueira, profesora Departamento de Antropología PUCSP (Brazil)

Maria de Lourdes Beldi de Alcantara, Universidad de São Paulo (Brazil)

Carlos Pereira Corbett, Medical Doctor (Brazil)

Vera Narváez Lanuza, abogada de Derechos Humanos y fotoperiodista, Oficial de Comunicación del Foro Internacional de Mujeres Indígenas (FIMI)

Miguel Utreras, experto en cooperación y pueblos indígenas (Norway)

Luisa Costalbano, observadora de DDHH y Derechos de los pueblos originarios (Italy)

Manuel Zani, observador de derechos Humanos, camarógrafo (Italy)

Socorro Apreza Salgado, Grupo Internacional de Trabajo de Asuntos Indígenas

Shapiom Noningo, dirigente indígena del gobierno autónomo del pueblo Wampis

Alberto Chirif, antropólogo (Peru)

Beatriz Huertas, antropóloga (Peru)

Lucy Ann Trapnell, Educadora (Peru)

Yahiza Campanario, Perú Equidad (Peru)

Gil Inoach, abogado indígena, Perú Equidad (Peru)

Malena García Hierro, técnica Peru Equidad (Peru)

Roberto Wangeman, consultor (Peru)

Teresita Antazu, dirigente indígena (Peru)

Marco Huaco Palomino, abogado (Peru)

Luis Vittor (Peru)

Marco Huaco (Peru)

Jeannete Beltrán, coordinadora RED PCCS, Grupo Regional Santa Cruz (Bolivia)

Ana Llao Llao, dirigenta Mapuche (Chile)

Paulina Acevedo Menanteau, periodista – comunicadora en DDHH (Chile)

Leonardo Tamburini Ore-Bolivia (Bolivia)

Emilio Cartoy Díaz, productor de televisión (Argentina)

Renee de la Torre, investigadora (Brazil)

Silvia Mara Pagliuzo Muraki, psicóloga (Brazil)

Ana Cecilia Betancur, consultora (Colombia)

Luis Maldonado (Ecuador)

Angela Meentzen, Socióloga (Ecuador)

Emma Molina (Guatemala)

Ana Lucrecia Molina Theissen (Guatemala)

Julie Abbott (Guatemala)

Raúl Figueroa Sarti (Guatemala)

Ana Silvia Monzón (Guatemala)

Julio Ricardo Hernández (Nicaragua)

Andrea Margarita Del Carmen, comunicadora (Nicaragua)

Brenda Ruiz, psicóloga, Universidad Politécnica de Nicaragua (Nicaragua)

Juan Centeno (Nicaragua)

Carlos Camacho-Nassar, antropólogo y geógrafo (Costa Rica)

Ana Hidalgo (Costa Rica)

Danilo Sebastián González Rocha (Mexico)

Pilar Jaime González (Spain)

Marie Léger, socióloga y politóloga (Canada)

Soren Hvalkof, Nordeco (Denmark)

Henriette Eva Szabo (Hungary)

Gabriela Aguilera, escritora y tallerista

María De Lourdes Alcántara, antropóloga


Networks who endorse the statement:


Abg Einar Córdoba, Adalberto Abdias Abdias, Aderlan Uday Duarte, Adonis Gutiérrez, Adriana Carolina Maestre, Adriana De Jesús Barreto, Adriano Cabrita Maldonado, Aiton Vladimir Molina, Alan Camejo, Alber Cabana, Aldo Antonio Pelli, Aleixen Valdez, Alejandra Llerena, Alejandro Espinoza Castillo, Alejandro Febres Cordero, Alex Garcin Garrienset, Alexa Burgos, Alexander Méndez, Alexandra Guillen, Alexandra Oliveros Medina, Alexandre Surralles, Alexy Garcia, Alfonso Martínez, Alfred Ramírez, Alfredo Sandino Kenneth, Alice Camacho, Alice Florencio, Alicia Cárdenas, Aliwen Platero, Allan Juárez, Amanda Borges, Amara Schnitzler Evans, Amelia Enciso, Américo Diego Adamo, Américo Velarde Céspedes, Amilcar Jesús, Amin Ayube, Ana María Ojeda, Ana Mesa, Ana Patricia Martínez, Ana Patricia Tellez, Anabell Córdova, Anabolena Chamie Gandur,
Anair Chaparro Cabañas, Andrea Espinoza, Andrés Dávalos, Andrés Huguet Polo, Ángel Franco, Ángel López, Angélica Zambrano, Angi Parada, Ani Baranda, Anibal Héctor Valenzuela, Anibeth Moran Durán, Anielka Vilchez, Anthony Macias, Anthony Vera, Antonio Godoy, Antonio Scioscia,

Araceli Burguete, Aracely Muñoz, Ariel Aliendre, Armando Intriago, Arquímedes Jerez Suárez,Aura Aragón, Aura Maritza Lameda Álvarez, Ave Alonso, Axel Fabian Fonseca Zárate, Axel Maciel, Azaith Pino Grau, Beatriz Guzmán Gómez, Beatriz Huertas, Belén Venialgo, Belkis Guevara, Belkis Laynez, Belkys Galindez, Bernarda Sarué, Bernardo Salazar Meza, Bertha Benavides, Bertha Flores Morales,

Bertha Yanira Caballero, Beryineth Ortiz Ríos, Betania Márquez, Beto Leguizamon, Bianka Fuentes, Bigta González, Bismark Corrales Saenz, Blanca Monte, Brenda Chávez Zúñiga, Brenda Consuelo, Brenes De Gutiérrez Cristopher Caleb, Briggitte Goche, Bruna Stefanny, Camilo Zúñiga, Carla Cujilema, Carlos Alfredo Márquez, Carlos Carvajal Nava, Carlos Córdova, Carlos Figueroa Ibarra, Carlos Franceschi, Carlos González Pinto, Carlos Guillen, Carlos Miranda López, Carlos Ordóñez, Carlos Paz, Carlos Pineda, Carlos Riera Serrano, Carlos Salguero, Carlos Santeliz, Carlos Sasuke Vera, Carlos Vilca Abal, Carmelito Paz Márquez, Carmen Colazo, Carmen Depablos, Carmen Reina de Méndez, Carol Madriz, Carolina Manque, Cecilia Hung, Celia Sanjur, César Eduard Esquivel, César Fernández, César Reyes, César Roque Urbina, Marcia Cabreira Monteiro de Souza, Chiaki Kinjo, Chikitha Lojano, Christian Paredes, Christopher Ochoa, Cito Pérez, Clara Alba del Campo, Claribel de Santis, Criss Engel, Criss García, Cristián López, Cristian Zamora, Cristo Khadafy Alvarado, Cruzana Delvalle, Dahii Vazquez, Daiisy Arce, Dalieliz Cabrera, Damaso Montero, Daniel Aguilera, Daniel Carrión Castillo, Daniel Duarte, Daniel Fereira, Daniel Flores, Daniel Henao, Daniel Rodríguez, Daniel Rojas-Conejo, Daniela Andino, Darkis Rojas, David Contreras, David López, David Ortiz, David Pazmiño, Dayana Benítez, Dayana Jessica Rodríguez, Dayana Roldán, Dayanna Quiñonez, Dayii Ruiz, Deaphne Guity, Dêêh Soares, Delida Sandoval, Denilson Gomes, Denis Hernández López, Denis Schümän, Derek Khalifa Celedón, Deybid Maldonado, Deyrin Murillo, Diego Gómez, Dolene Miller, Dolly Ascurra, Dora Parra De Ortega, Dorita Orozco, Duardinho Saantos, Durga Cegarra, Edgar Acosta, Edgar Delgadillo, Edgar Macías, Edgar Ortiz Ramírez, Edison Chica, Edmundo Sapriza, Edson Francisco, Eduardo García, Edward Gonzales Antelo, Edwin Serra,

Efrain Salomón Rivero, Elbaby Yoko, Elena Blandon Hetfield, Elena Zabala Bravo, Eli Neumann, Elieser Olivas, Elií Arrúa, Elio Montiel, Elizabeth Fuentes,  Elizabeth García, Elizabeth Huanca, Elizabeth Nieto Iturres, Elkin Muñoz, Elvimar Monsalve, Elvira Raffo, Elyin Ali Castellón, Emeli Rous de Cabrera, Emi Díaz Rodríguez, Emilce Baez López, Emilia Silva, Emilio Castillo, Emilio Espinoza, Emir González Santiago, Emma De Quijano, Ender Lizardo, Enma Flores Moreno, Enna Castillo, Enrique Marcham Kalatayud, Enrique Villafranca, Enrique Zevallos, Erendira Márquez, Erick Barvera Quinto, Erick Villalva, Erlin Martínez, Ernesto Ángel Rincón, Ester Cantero, Esther Araica, Eudys Farfan Vallenilla, Eugenia Sáenz de Tejada, Eux Santander, Evelia Garabote Jiménez, Evelin Ramón Maldonado, Evelinda Pluas Velez, Fabian Iturra, Fabiana Cibada, Fabricio Miranda, Farbian Escalona, Farid Torrez, Fedy Ramírez, Felicidad Amurrio, Félix Aleman, Fernanda Vilchez, Fernando Abdel, Fernando Castillo, Fernando Florentín, Fernando Samaniego Guevara, Flor Jota, Fran Torrez, Francesco Orlandi, Franciany Martínez, Francis Cruz, Francisco Bastori Quiroz, Francisco Mbepegi, Francisco Moreno, Francisco Rodríguez, Francisco Saborio Navarrete, Frank Hurtado, Frank Ortega, Frederica Barclay, Fredy Villamayor Velazque, Gabino González, Gabricia Pati, Gabriel Calero, Gabriel Castillo González, Gabriel Jesús Hernández, Gabriela Figueroa, Gabriela Gioy Oliveira, Gabriela Martínez, Gabriela Pruna, García Stebalys, Genesis Olvera, Georg Grunberg, Gerald López, Gerardo Dávalos, Gerardo Gómez, Gerardo Palma, Germaine Bravo Mas, Germán Maluma Arana, Germán Revelo, Gerson Malvasia, Gil Inoach, Gilmer Smiht Hernández, Gio Guerrero, Giovani Edson, Giss Ibarra Naiditahp, Gissa Mary Acevedo, Gleiciane Castro, Goyito López, Gretel Moore Lumbi, Guadalupe Raudes, Gualberto Campos, Guilherme Silva, Handerson Duarte Ferrera, Harlenny Pena, Héctor Ramírez Sánchez, Helen Urdaneta, Henry Viera Cruz, Heydi Ferrera, Hilda Roberti Lovera, Hilda Wise, Hugo Melgarejo, Iris Benjamín, Iru Verchere, Isaac Hernández Castro, Isabel Cuentas Foronda, Isabel Muñoz Miranda, Isidoro Gauto, Isildinha Silva, Iván Rodrigo, Alvarado Astudillo, Jahel Bejarano Martínez, Jairo Quintero, Jasmyne Leandra, Jason Alexander, Solano López, Javier Benítez, Javier Serrano, Javier Smith, Jean García, Jeanne Simon, Jefferson Tapia, Jeffesson Santos, Jefté Tanguila, Jeivis Arteaga, Jennyfer Murillo Lacayo, Jessi Gonzales, Jesús García Cuentas, Jesús Gutiérrez, Jesús Matus, Jhon Martínez Sánchez, Jhonny Marimon Ahumada, Joao Campos, Joel Balelo, Joel Martínez, Joel Pibaque, Johana López Cálix, Johnny Calle Rivera, Johny Lima, Jon Centeno, Jonathan Alarcón, Jonathan Altamirano, Jonathan Obando, Jonathan Ruiz, Jordan Molina, Jordy Javier, Jorge Briones Burgos, Jorge Diosnel Escobar, Jorge Gutiérrez, Jorge Luis Leston, Jorge Mamani Chura, Jorgelis Tejadas Guedes, José Acosta, José Antonio Duarte Medrano, José Araya Cornejo, José Arcia, José Carvajal Herrera, José Castillo, José Chavarria, José Díaz Eulacio, José Franyoly, José Lobos García, José Manuel Perdomo, José Masabanda, José Oporta Rodríguez, José Pastora Lugo José Perdomo, José Rangel, José Rojas, José Sosa Canizales, Josseling Ramos, Jostin Lokithop Mosquera, Josue Benalcazar, Josue Cano, Josue Rosales, Joxelier García García, Joyce Leiva López, Joyce Ríos, Juan Cuestas Rocha, Juan Daniel Rojas, Juan González, Juan José Valor, Juan Mario Pérez, Juan Pablo Castillo Rodríguez, Juan Pablo Toala Mero, Juan Ramón Huerta, Juana Padrino, Juanita Huete Salgado, Judith Pacheco Muñoz, Julio Palencia, Justo Hernández Espinoza, Karelita Potoy, Karen Torrez, Käthe Meentzen, Katherin Pichardo García, Katherine Pinza, Kathleen Mendieta, Kathrine Dalsgaard, Kathy De Espinoza, Katty Lara, Kayle Roddy Humphreys, Kelmar Ramírez, Kelvin Kovos, Kenia Saavedra Lombano, Kevin Castro Ali, Kevin Gamboa, Kevin Moreira, Keyler Jesús, Keziinha Gabrielly, Kiado Cruz, Lanuza De Yasira, Lara Schneider, Larry Guzmán, Lastenia González, Laura Josefina Díaz Pereira, Law Hazel,

Lázaro Santos, Lealor Valente, Leocadio Walo, León Borbor, Leonardo Machado, Lidia Caballero, Ligia Pérez La Fe, Ligia Rodríguez Rodríguez, Liliana Vaud, Lil-Williams Olivas, Lino Abel Chico, Lis Álvarez, Liz Chavarria, Lizeth Teran Fernández, Lorena Dickma, Lorena Gil Vargas, Lucas Oliveira, Luis Carlos Valdivia, Luis García, Luis Gonzales, Luis Miguel Acosta, Luis Ruiz , Luisa Tovar, Mabel López, Maciel Rodrygues Da Silva, Magali Rojas Pérez, Magaly Vega Camacho, Magdalena Krysinska, Maira Beldi de alcantara, Malinalli Martínez, Malvi Monzón, Manuel Espinoza, Manuel Leiva, Marcela Cantero, Marcela Rodriguez, Marcelo Pihuave, Marco Huaco Palomino, Marco Ramos, Marelin Mendoza, Mari López, María Alonzo, María Auxiliadora Flores Silva, María Castillo,

María de Los Ángeles Sampallo, María Elena Gonzalez de Prieto, María Hernández, María José Ruiz, María Lourdes Monroy, María Pía Franco, María Sánchez, MarianaZepeda López, Maribel Ojeda, Marilyn Anchundia, Mariño Genesis, Mario Vega, Maris Rondón, Maritza Castillo, Maritza Miranda, Maritza Pérez, Marleny Tobón De Ortiz, Marta Mejia, Marta Vargas de Viloria, Martides Joe Pincay Vera, Mary Urribarri, Massiel Escobar, Massiel Reyes, Matías Amado Goiburu, Matilde Casaccia, Mauricio Alonso Pietri, Mauriel Tercero, Max Castillo, Maynor Arauz, Mayrin Ampie, Melixita De Muñoz O’meany, Mercedes González Vallecillo, Mercedes Guzmán, Mercedes Henao Jaramillo, Michell López, Miguel Ángel Ortiz, Miguel Ángel Miranda, Miguel Ángel Rojas, Miguel Antonio De Freitas, Miguel Pérez, Mikel Duglitas Torres Rugamas, Miladis Gonzales, Milady Molina, Milagros Ramos, Milena Carpio, Mirta Pereira, Missael Yordan, Moisés Hassan Marvin Arias, Moisés Medrano, Morlan Davidson, Mustafa Sari, Myriam Jiménez Espinoza, Myrna Moncada, Nadieska Olivas, Nadya Daisy Padilla Arandia, Naila Ramírez, Nancy Guzmán, Narcisa Vasconez, Nathaly Almeida, Naty Correa Sevilla, Nayeli Rivera, Nayeli Vera, Nelly Castillo Arauz, Nelsón Fernández Castillo, Néstor Ayala, Nidia Benítez, Nila Brosolo Ciriani, Nina Rikudo, Ninoska Correa Gaitán, Nixa Ramírez de Parra, Noelia Morel, Noreni Villalobos, Norida Novoa de Añez, Normis León, Noryana López, Olivar Bendelak, Omar Galeano, Omar Varela de Rosas, Oscar Ayala Amarilla, Oscar Jirón, Owen Batista Diego Pedrozo, Pablina Alfonzo, Pablo Alejandro Arauz, Pablo Ivan Coronel, Paola Murillo, Patricia Quezada Morocho, Patrick Gómez, Paul Roger Ayala Valverde, Piero Poveda, Rafael Alves, Rafael Roque, Rafaela Silva de Escalona, Raiza Gutiérrez, Ramón Desiderio Benítez, Ramón Ortega, Ramón Rivero, Raquel Gonzales, Raquel López, Raúl Figueroa,

Raúl Mendoza, Raúl Rodríguez, Rendel Hebberth, René Durán, Reymon Peralta, Reyna Amador, Reyna Padilla Martínez, Ricardo Centeno, Ricardo González de la Torre, Robert Véliz, Roberto Aramayo, Roberto Zumba, Rocío Silva Santisteban, Rodrigo Mariaca, Rodrigo Mereles, Rodrigo Pereira, Rogerio De Abreu, Rolando Cáceres, Rosa Franco Sandoval, Rosa Fernández, Rosa Horan, Rosa León, Rosa López, Rosa Silva, Roxana Bermúdez, Ruddy Guido, Ruth Lozano, Samantha Bello, Samuel Rivarola, Sandra Herrera León, Sandymara Chavozinha, Santos Campos Arocha, Sarai Alonso, Saul Sánchez, Sebastián Vargas, Sergio González Moys, Sergio Ramos, Shellmy Mendoza,

Silvano Wanderson, Silvia Brand, Silvia Duarte Santana, Siomara Rengifo, Sixto Cuellar, Sol Peñaranda, Sophia Jiménez, Sophy Meléndez, Steven Barrera, Steven Jair Zapata, Susana Ardanaz Iriarte, Susana Yadira Cáceres, Susej Diaz Rojas, Tania Blandon, Tania Duarte, Tania Pacheco, Tatiana Jauregui Cabello, Teresa Almiron, Tereza Mestanza, Thiago Santos, Tiago Montel, Tibisay Blanco, Tita Calero, Tita Prado, Tomás Franco, Tomás Huanacu Tito, Ürbynha Alexytho, Valentina Coronel, Vanesa Colmenares, Vanessa Avril Slvt, Vanessa García, Vargas Alvarado, Verónica Huilipan, Víctor Daniel Dàlessandri, Víctor Suarez, Víctor Vélez, Wendy Castro, William Cabrera, William Fragata Nobre, William Mendoza, Xiomara Arrieta, Xiomi Xokolatita Beltrán, Yacnosky Villegas, Yahoska Hernández, Yahoska Salgado, Yandri Moreira, Yanexis Barceló, Yansi Laya Garcia, Yari Lanuza, Yaritza Rosas Arias, Yesenia Cabrera, Yess Jess Isaac, Yilmer Ruiz, Yoe Torres, Yohana Loaisiga, Yolanda Delgado, Yonny García, Yrma Teresa León Pérez, Yudit Guerrero, Yussy Sulbaran, Zaida Nhoelya Páez Benítez, Zayda Quintero Solís, Zulay Rodríguez de Díaz, Zulema Semorile, Zully Fromherz, ????? ?????.




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