WCIP: Joint letter proposes addition about regional developments to the zero draft

The letter signed by indigenous organisations and support NGO’s underlines the importance of including a new Preambular Paragraph to the current Zero draft of the outcome document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples.

The Preambular Paragraph should welcome regional developments regarding indigenous peoples rights and recognise the important work carried out by regional human rights institutions such as the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights.


The letter 

To whom it may concern,

The undersigned organizations would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation for the work of the President of the General Assembly, Mr John W. Ashe, and the team of advisors in producing the Zero draft of the Outcome document of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the sixty-ninth session of the General Assembly to be known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples.

The consultation held on the 16th of July, clearly showed that the current Zero draft provides a good basis for further deliberations regarding the WCIP’s outcome document, and we would like to take this opportunity to express our support to the recommendations submitted during the consultation by the Indigenous Global Coordinating Group and the priorities expressed in its statement.

Furthermore, we greatly appreciate the opportunity given to us to provide concrete comments to this important document and we are pleased to send you hereby the following recommendation:

We strongly believe that adding a new Preambular Paragraph welcoming regional developments regarding indigenous peoples rights and recognizing the important work carried out by regional human rights institutions such as the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights is of crucial importance and it will complement the current PP2 in the Zero draft recalling achievements at the international level.

Suggested text

PP 3:

Welcome regional developments regarding the recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples and acknowledge the important work carried out by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights in the promotion and the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples at the regional level.


We very much hope that our proposal will receive your earnest consideration.

Yours sincerely,


European Network on Indigenous Peoples (ENIP) 2

International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs –IWGIA (Denmark)

Almaciga – Grupo Intercultural – Spain

Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee-IPACC (South Africa)

Indigenous Movement for Peace Advancement and Conflict Transformation-IMPACT (Kenya)

AIDB (Burundi)

Institute for Orkonerei Pastoralists Advancement –IOPA (Tanzania)

Indigenous Livelihood Enhancement Partners –ILEPA (Kenya)

Illaramatak Community Concerns –ICC (Kenya)

LDF (Kenya)

LELEWAL Foundation (Cameroon)

Longido community Development Organization –LCDO (Tanzania).

Maasai Women Development Organization –MWEDO (Tanzania)

Mainyoito Pastoralists Integrated Development Organization-MPIDO (Kenya)

Association for Law and Advocacy for Pastoralists-ALAPA (Tanzania)

Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People-MOSOP (Nigeria)



NKURINGO (Tanzania)

Ogiek Peoples Development Program-OPDP (Kenya)

Pastoral Women Council-PWC (Tanzania)

Pastoralists Indigenous NGOs Forum -PINGOs FORUM (Tanzania)

PISP (Kenya) 3 

PIDP (Congo DRC)

Baringo Human Rights Consortium -BHRC (Kenya)

RENAPAC/REPALEAC (Congo Brazzaville)

RERINA (Kenya)

Tanzania Network for Indigenous Pastoralists –TANIPE (Tanzania)

Tanzania Pastoralists and Hunter-Gatherers Organization-TAPHGO (Tanzania)

TOBARI (Uganda)

Ujamaa Community Resource Trust –UCRT (Tanzania)

UNIPROBA (Burundi)

Parakuiyo Pastoralists Indigenous Community Development Organization –PAICODEO (Tanzania)

Botswana Kingdom Council –BKC (Botswana)

BUGANDA (Uganda)

Community Research and Development Services-CORDS (Tanzania)

Community Resources and Development Center –CRDC (Kenya)

EWADI (Kenya)

Hadzabe Survival council-HSC (Tanzania)

Tags: Press releases



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