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Latest update on the UN World Conference on Indigenous Peoples

At the end of May, indigenous peoples were left with frustration and disappointment as the preparatory process for the realization of the High Level Plenary Meeting of the UN General Assembly, to be known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (WCIP) was left in a limbo at the closing session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

Nevertheless, on 30 May, Ambassador John W. Ashe, President of the UN General Assembly decided to move ahead and issued a letter addressed to indigenous peoples' representatives and governmental delegations informing them about his decisions for the WCIP process ahead.

In his letter, the President of the General Assembly informed that he was going to conduct a first round of consultations with indigenous peoples’ representatives and governmental delegation on 3 June. He also informed indigenous peoples about his decision of holding an informal interactive hearing on 17 and 18 June at the UN Head Quarters in New Yotk.

The President of the General Assembly also informed indigenous peoples and governmental delegations that in the consultation process ahead he is going to be assisted by four advisers including the two indigenous advisers nominated by indigenous peoples, Dr. Mirna Cunningham from Nicaragua and Les Malezer from Australia.

The appointment of the two indigenous advisers has been a key demand from indigenous peoples in order to ensure their full, effective and equal participation in the WCIP process. Their role as indigenous advisers is of crucial importance as they will assist the President of the General Assembly in drafting the WCIP outcome document. In the formal and informal consultations that will take place in the coming months the indigenous advisors will represent and promote the views of indigenous peoples.

Tags: Press releases



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