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UNFCCC: Indigenous peoples' key demands for the Paris Agreement on Climate Change

Indigenous peoples representatives from all over the world have been following the negotiations of the forthcoming global climate change agreement, which will be adopted by the UN at the Conference of the Parties (COP21) in Paris at the end of the year.

On October 17, indigenous peoples together with the Peruvian and French COP Presidencies organised an official dialogue with States, at which they made demands for greater inclusion of human rights standards and safeguards in the Paris Agreement and the COP decisions.

2ºC increase is too high for indigenous peoples 
COP21 needs to achieve a new legally binding agreement on climate change applicable to all countries. The official aim is to achieve an agreement that will keep global warming below 2º C.

Indigenous peoples' territories are on the frontline of climate change and indigenous peoples already feel the consequences of changing weather patterns. The proposed 2ºC goal will increase hunger and poverty of millions of indigenous peoples. 

Indigenous peoples thus demand States to commit to keeping global temperature increase below 1.5º C.

Download and read indigenous peoples' recommendations to the Zero Draft of the COP 21 agreement and their position paper.

Tags: Climate



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