COP 20: National organisations question single indigenous participation

Peruvian government carries on with “greenwashing plan” leading towards the COP 20.

The Unity Pact of Indigenous Organizations of Peru questioned the allocation of a single indigenous participation space in the National Climate Change Commission (NCCC).

According to the Supreme Decree 015-2013 of the Ministry of the Environment (MINAM), the NCCC will consist of a total of 33 members.

But most of these members are public officials: one representative for each of the fifteen ministries of the national government and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM).

In addition, the NCCC includes a representative of other public bodies such as the National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology (Senamhi), the National Council for Science and Technology (Concytec) and the Ocean Institute of Peru (Imparpe).

Another representative from the big business union: Confederation of Private Business Institutions (Confiep).

Unfair allocation

The Unity Pact considered the allocation of one single quota for indigenous organizations as “unfair”, in view of the diversity of existing communities and indigenous peoples in the country.

“Climate change affects indigenous peoples since our productive, social and cultural practices have a close relationship with the environment and Mother Earth,” argued Antolin Huascar, Unity Pact coordinator.

“Climate change is an irreversible reality that strikes indigenous communities with droughts, floods and pests that damage our crops,” said Huascar, who also chairs the National Agrarian Confederation (CNA).

Gladis Vila, Unity Pact spokeswoman, said that “indigenous peoples want to contribute to tackling climate change with our vision, knowledge, wisdom and practices.”

“We urge the Peruvian government to adopt clear policies addressing climate change and consider the participation of at least eight indigenous representatives in the NCCC” said Vila.

A case of greenwashing?

The NCCC was formally established in 1993 but its influence has been very limited.

On 21 August the MINAM published the Internal Regulations of the NCCC (RM 262-2014).

“Now that Peru will be hosting the COP 20, the government is in a rush to revive the NCCC with a decorative participation of the indigenous peoples” said Jorge Prado Sumari, from the Peasant Confederation of Peru (CCP).

Among the NCCC functions is to “articulate and coordinate with public entities (…) and representatives of the private sector and civil society, actions and guidelines related to the management of climate change in land and natural resources planning.”

The Unity Pact consists of the following organizations:

Read the Unity Pact Climate Change Proposals (21 July, 2014) PDF, 4 pages English / Spanish

*Traducción de Luis Claps para IWGIA y Servindi.


Tags: Climate



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