In a world where one in three women experiences violence, where women do not have an equal say in decisions affecting their lives and where the predominant view on women in many cases is sexist and discriminatory – it is necessary that we all pull our weight to improve the situation. Especially for Indigenous women, who disproportionately face intersectional discrimination and multiple expressions of violence, it is urgent to challenge and end harassment and violence, discriminatory attitudes and stereotyping based on gender, ethnicity and Indigenous identity – trends that persist and are entrenched obstacles to Indigenous women’s equality.

IWGIA is committed to contributing to this struggle and convinced that a lot can be achieved because Indigenous women are powerful changemakers despite the multi-dimensional challenges they face – as they have themselves affirmed: “we have been and continue to protect, transmit, and develop our Indigenous cosmovision, our science and technologies, our arts and culture, and our Indigenous socio-political economic systems, which are in harmony with the natural laws of mother earth. We still retain the ethical and aesthetic values, the knowledge and philosophy, the spirituality, which conserves and nurtures Mother Earth. We are persisting in our struggles for self-determination and for our rights to our territories. This has been shown in our tenacity and capacity to withstand and survive the colonization happening in our lands in the last 500 years” (Beijing Declaration of Indigenous Women, 1995).

Resources on Indigenous women

Read our editorial from The Indigenous World 2022 that focuses on Indigenous women.

Read our chapters from The Indigenous World on defending the rights of Indigenous women.
Read our 2021-2025 Gender Strategy to find out more about our work toward Indigenous women & gender.


Indigenous women's voices from Bangladesh
International Women's Day 2023 IWGIA Statement
Judy Kipkenda - International Women's Day 2023 Message
Judy Kipkenda - International Women's Day 2023 Message
Indigenous women in Kenya fighting against gender-based harmful practices
Advancing Indigenous women's knowledge and rights in combating the climate crisis
Indigenous women and land rights

Indigenous women in focus: leading the path to resilience

Ending violence against Indigenous women: Virtual side event during the 50th session of the UN Human Rights Council
International Day of Indigenous Women 2022: Solidarity statement from IWGIA

Forced sterilizations:
A path to justice
Indigenous women's rights in the African Commission
Samburu Girl-child Beading - A Silent Sacrifice

Articles & Publications



IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Read more.

For media inquiries click here

Indigenous World

IWGIA's global report, the Indigenous World, provides an update of the current situation for Indigenous Peoples worldwide. Read The Indigenous World.

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Contact IWGIA

Prinsessegade 29 B, 3rd floor
DK 1422 Copenhagen
Phone: (+45) 53 73 28 30
CVR: 81294410

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