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IWGIA Updates: April - June 2020


Dear friend of IWGIA, 
Indigenous Peoples have continued to fight and advocate for their rights and for equal protection and access to services during the COVID-19 pandemic.  
In the start of 2020, COVID-19 rapidly spread across the globe and throughout the first half of the year we have seen many countries severely affected. Indigenous communities have mobilised their traditional knowledge to isolate and protect themselves from incursions and infection by outsiders as an increase in illegal activities grows on their lands. However, the increased vulnerability of Indigenous Peoples and communities continues as existing health and service infrastructure, which in many cases was already inadequate, has been overburdened. Already marginalised before the pandemic, Indigenous Peoples are being pushed even further behind and left out of responses to the crisis. Without access to adequate healthcare or relevant infrastructure many communities face multiple threats, including the persecution of Indigenous Peoples Human Rights Defenders (IPHRDs) during lockdowns.  

In our response to COVID-19, IWGIA has taken a number of steps to ensure our partners and the communities we support remain safe. We remain in continuous contact with our partners and communities and have increased our flexibility in the projects we implement together. We have also taken measures to ensure the safety of our staff. The Secretariat has been working virtually from home since mid-March and has postponed and/or cancelled any business-related travel.  

All over the world, people have gone to the streets to protest against growing inequality, the actions of state actors against IPHRDs, and the failure of many states to consider Indigenous Peoples in their responses to the pandemic.  
At the same time, IWGIA has continued to document and advocate against human rights violations around the globe. We have added a new section to our website under the news category which specifically focuses on COVID-19.  

We have also enhanced our work on Spanish communication throughout 2020, highlighting how Indigenous Peoples have been documenting and fighting against the pandemic. We continue to produce tailored coronavirus information and prevention campaigns based on projects with our partners around the world. 

In Africa and Asia we continued to document the ongoing human rights violations and land grabbing against Indigenous Peoples in Bangladesh, the COVID-19 response in Tanzania, and supporting the COVID-19 and Humanity series of updates from Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP). We also released a new publication on the continued violence and violations of Indigenous Peoples rights in the Chitwan National Park in Nepal
Further, we successfully launched the 34th edition of The Indigenous World in May with excellent panel events hosted online via Zoom in both English and Spanish: Indigenous World 2020 // El Mundo Indígena 2020

You can read or download the English and Spanish version of The Indigenous World here: English // Spanish 
From all of us at IWGIA, we thank you for your continued support. 
Yours sincerely, David Berger – Advisor at IWGIA. 


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Reassessing the situation for Indigenous Peoples in a COVID-19 world

As the world has experienced the outbreak and rapid spread of the devastating COVID-19 pandemic over the first quarter of 2020, IWGIA has worked to monitor how the situation has developed and the impacts the pandemic has had on Indigenous Peoples.
Indigenous realities in a COVID-19 world: Latin America

April 2020: Many aspects contribute to the vulnerability and particular risk for Indigenous Peoples in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic. This article captures voices speaking directly from different Indigenous communities on the impacts, concerns and responses to the new challenges raised by the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America.

Read more here >>

COVID-19 in India: Reverse migration could destroy Indigenous communities

April 2020: Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been declared as a pandemic and its impact on the world is yet to be fully assessed. Indigenous Peoples living on the margins of the society are unlikely to be considered in the scheme of responses and reactions by most of the States.

By: Dilip Chakma, Convenor, Indigenous Lawyers Association of India (ILAI) and Paritosh Chakma, Advisor, ILAI
Photo: Chris Erni // IWGIA

Read more here >>

Isolation in the face of epidemics: a survival strategy for Indigenous Peoples

April 2020: The compulsory isolation declared by several countries to prevent the spread of COVID-19 calls for reflection on the isolation that several Indigenous Peoples have chosen in order to survive external intervention that, with different interests, triggers diseases and deaths, disrupts their daily lives and endangers their future.

By:  Beatriz Huertas and Neptalí Cueva

Learn more here >>

COVID-19 and Humanity: Human Rights in Peril

3 flash updates on COVID-19 in Asia: April, May and June 2020: The COVID-19 pandemic is not only a calamitous global event, but it is revealing the worst fears, especially on human rights, conflict, racism and starvation.

Our partners at AIPP uncover the critical challenges faced by Indigenous Peoples in Asia under the Pandemic: Indigenous realities in a COVID-19 world: Asia // Indigenous realities in a COVID-19 world: Asia - Lessons Learned // COVID-19 And Humanity: Human Rights in Peril
Intensified injustice in light of COVID-19: Perspectives from a Peruvian Indigenous women’s organisation

20 April 2020: Our partners at ONAMIAP have taken a proactive stance in responding to major issues and challenges raised by the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, directly addressing the social injustices further exposed by the pandemic.
While the world focuses on COVID-19, Indigenous Peoples in Myanmar are being killed

As large parts of the world’s population are sitting at home in self- and authority-imposed isolation watching the development of the major public health crisis, governments in some countries are taking advantage of the situation and moving on with their repressive agendas cracking down on opposition groups, silencing human rights defenders and independent media, and subjecting entire ethnic groups to brutal military campaigns. 
Indigenous realities in a COVID-19 world: Africa

May 2020: Indigenous Peoples are increasingly at risk in Africa, with fears of adverse effects as a result of protection measures directly impacting their socioeconomic status, livelihood & generating food insecurity.
Radio Encuentros is IWGIA's Spanish audio resources platform. The radio programmes address different aspects of the situation of Indigenous Peoples and are free to download. (Spanish).
Debates Indígenas: is a joint initiative between IWGIA and Ore. 

Debates Indígenas is a Spanish language digital magazine that aims to address the struggles, achievements and challenges of Indigenous Peoples, grounded in an understanding and perspective of their territories and communities, bringing academic knowledge and the commitment of activism together into one forum. Our vision is to become a means of communication and reference for Indigenous Peoples, as well as a tool that contributes to the defence of human rights and nature.
Get The Indigenous World 2020
IWGIA launched the 34th consecutive edition of The Indigenous World in May. This one-of-a-kind documentation tool for Indigenous Peoples' issues is the product of 114 Indigenous and non-indigenous activists and authors who voluntarily share their valuable insights and analysis of last year's developments in 66 countries (and regions) and 17 international processes on Indigenous issues.
Download here
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IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Read more.

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Indigenous World

IWGIA's global report, the Indigenous World, provides an update of the current situation for Indigenous Peoples worldwide. Read The Indigenous World.

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DK 1422 Copenhagen
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E-mail: iwgia@iwgia.org
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