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Questions and Answers for individual donors

On this page, you can find the most often asked questions to us in relation to supporting our work of defending indigenous peoples’ rights:

Q) What is IWGIA?

A) IWGIA is an abbreviation for International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs and we are a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting, protecting and defending indigenous peoples’ rights.

Q) Why should I support IWGIA?

A) We want to create a world where indigenous peoples are no longer discriminated and fully enjoy their rights to determine their own future. By supporting us, you help indigenous peoples gain a stronger voice at the local, national and global level through partnerships based on respect for indigenous peoples’ right to self-determination.

Q) How does IWGIA work?

A) IWGIA is working through our triangle of change; Documentation, empowerment and advocacy. We assist indigenous peoples documenting violations of their rights, we support indigenous peoples’ capacity development and empowerment, and their participation in relevant forums at the national and international level.

Q) Why should I become a member of IWGIA?

A) IWGIA is a member-based organisation and we rely on a broad member-base from all over the world. As a member you actively support our cause, strengthen our advocacy efforts and put pressure on decision-makers around the world. Becoming a member of IWGIA also means that you are offered the opportunity to elect board members and you can run for a seat on the Board. Read IWGIA's statutes here >>

Q) Why should I become a regular donor to IWGIA?

A) As a regular individual donor you support our work of promoting indigenous peoples’ rights financially. Thanks to your donation, we can work with our indigenous peoples’ partner organisations. Read an example of a project we can do thanks to our donor’s support here >>

Q) Where does my money go?

A) When you donate an amount to IWGIA, unless other things are specified on that page, the money will go to our general work with supporting indigenous peoples’ rights. Whether you decide to make a one-off donation, become a member or a regular individual donor, we will use your support to strengthen our work of promoting and protecting the rights of indigenous peoples.

Q) I don’t have any money, but are there other ways I can support your work?

A) Advocacy for indigenous peoples’ rights is an important part of our work and you can help increase the awareness about indigenous peoples’ situation by following us on Facebook, Twitter, sign up for our regular newsletter and share our stories.

Q) Can I become a volunteer in IWGIA?

A) Much of our work is dependent on the help from volunteers, whether it is as authors for our annual book “The Indigenous World”, as an intern in our office in Copenhagen (we advertise openings here >>), or as an occasional extra help to coordinate and hold events. For the latter, please write to Iwgia[at]Iwgia.org to hear if we need extra help.

Q) Is IWGIA an indigenous organisation?

A) IWGIA is not an indigenous organisation, but an indigenous peoples’ support organisation. Most of our work is done in close cooperation with indigenous peoples and partners but we also have a few projects of our own. See a list over our indigenous partners here >>




IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Read more.

For media inquiries click here

Indigenous World

IWGIA's global report, the Indigenous World, provides an update of the current situation for Indigenous Peoples worldwide. Read The Indigenous World.

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Contact IWGIA

Prinsessegade 29 B, 3rd floor
DK 1422 Copenhagen
Phone: (+45) 53 73 28 30
E-mail: iwgia@iwgia.org
CVR: 81294410

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