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Open call to Innovation Lab for indigenous youth

OPEN CALL: IWGIA calls for innovative concept notes for projects for and by indigenous youths relating to one of the overall thematic priorities of IWGIA's work: Climate action, Global governance, or Land rights.

Projects selected will be: 

  • Innovative!
    In relation to IWGIAs work with indigenous peoples’ rights, innovation means: help IWGIA and our target groups and partners to solve challenges faced by indigenous peoples in new, effective ways. Either through new methodologies, new partnerships with formations IWGIA usually has not been collaborating with, or by developing new devices, means of communication or other innovative solutions. Innovation implies a willingness to take some risks and try out new things – this is also the case for the IWGIA innovation lab.

  • Be based on new forms of partnerships with i.e. private sector, knowledge institutions, tech institutions, other NGOs, networks etc.

  • Have potential to generate further funding

  • Have up-scaling potential

  • Introduce new methodology to challenges faced by young indigenous peoples

  • Be able to yield initial results within 1-2 years

  • Fall within at least one of the pre-defined areas of climate change, land rights or global governance.

Other selection criteria

The call is open for indigenous youth organisations, who have received international donor funding previously. 

The activities supported under this call should be carried out in one of the following countries: India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Peru, Bolivia, Kenya or Tanzania or be regional or global in scope.

For proposals that are regional or global in scope, activities and/or target groups of the activities have to be from countries on the OECD-DAC’s list of developing countries in the categories ‘Least Developed Countries’, ‘Other Low-Income Countries’ or ’Lower Middle-Income Countries and Territories’.

Project duration should not exceed 2 years.

Maximum budget: 45.000 USD.

Technical requirements

2-pages concept note for an innovative project that falls within the criteria listed in this document can be submitted (use the IWGIA innovation lab concept note below). Because of the very limited budget available for this call, IWGIA envisions supporting only 1-2 projects.

Application deadline

Send the concept note to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than November 13th, 2017.




IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Read more.

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Indigenous World

IWGIA's global report, the Indigenous World, provides an update of the current situation for Indigenous Peoples worldwide. Read The Indigenous World.

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Prinsessegade 29 B, 3rd floor
DK 1422 Copenhagen
Phone: (+45) 53 73 28 30
E-mail: iwgia@iwgia.org
CVR: 81294410

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