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UN: Danish Minister directs attention to indigenous peoples’ access to education

In his statement on education at the 4th session of the General assembly open work group on sustainable development goals held this week in New York, the Danish Minister for Development Cooperation, Christian Friis Bach, directed attention to indigenous peoples’ access to education. The Minister stressed the importance of creating social protection schemes and focus on education in a manner that takes into account the specific challenges faced by marginalised groups, and amongst them, indigenous peoples.

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UN: Mining must respect indigenous rights

James Anaya, the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous people, says it is important to stop multinational companies from working under varying levels of human rights standards. "One of the things I'm exploring is to what extent they hold themselves to the same standards, or are held to the same standards," he said in Melbourne on Tuesday.

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IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Read more.

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Indigenous World

IWGIA's global report, the Indigenous World, provides an update of the current situation for Indigenous Peoples worldwide. Read The Indigenous World.

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