The journey of Māori and Moriori ancestors


Between the 18th and 19th centuries, travelers who arrived on the coasts of New Zealand desecrated graves and stole a large number of human remains. One hundred years later, the cooperation between Māori and Moriori communities and States opened a path for the repatriation of ancestral remains exhibited in European museums. As of today, over 700 ancestors have returned to Aotearoa-New Zealand. The Te Papa Tongarewa Museum in Wellington has played a central role in this process.

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The struggle for the return of Ryukyuan ancestral remains


In 1879, the Ryukyu Islands were annexed by Japan. For decades, Japanese anthropologists desecrated graves and stole Ryukyuan human remains. Through eugenics, the scholars wanted to prove that the Japanese were superior to the conquered ethnic groups. The looting and storage of the remains in museums have damaged funeral practices, the spiritual world and dignity of the Ryukyu people.

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The Indigenous World 2023: Indigenous Peoples’ human rights and conservation

IWGIA is proud to have launched The Indigenous World 2023 on 17 April at the 22nd session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York.

“I want to say that one of the most encouraging things I think, for me, in this book is to read every year about the continued struggle, and how indigenous peoples insist and keep insisting on their rights. To read about the courage and the effort, the movement, the standing together to fight for their rights, which are captured and described in this book, despite the difficult circumstances that many Indigenous Peoples face.” Kathrin Wessendorf, IWGIA Executive Director, said.

IWGIA, alongside co-organiser the Permanent Mission of Denmark to the United Nations, hosted a side event entitled – Indigenous Peoples, their rights and conservation: Ensuring territorial health – as part of the book launch with a panel of distinguished Indigenous and non-indigenous guests and experts.

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Restitution of Indigenous human remains: the case of Argentine museums


Argentina has one of the most important and sensitive bioanthropological collections in Latin America. Most of the remains in museums come from Tehuelche and Mapuche victims of the so-called "Conquest of the Desert".  However, in recent decades museums have begun to be more receptive to the claims of Indigenous communities and have even adopted active restitution policies, a trend that is steadily growing internationally. With more updated legislation, collective restitutions have been made, including: the return of the chiefs Modesto Inakayal and Mariano Rosas to their descendants; the return of a Toi moko (preserved head) to Aotearoa-New Zealand and of two Guanche mummies to the Canary Islands.

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The Indigenous World 2023: Oprindelige folks rettigheder og naturbevarelse

IWGIA kan i dag annoncere udgivelsen af den 37. udgave af IWGIAs berømte status over oprindelige folks vigtigste emner i det forløbne år, nemlig The Indigenous World 2023. Lanceringen fandt sted i New York under den 22. afholdelse af FNs Permanente Forum for oprindelige folk.

Vi var så heldige at kunne præsentere bogen sammen med Danmarks mission ved FN i New York, ved Ambassadør Martin Bille Hermann.

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IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Read more.

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Indigenous World

IWGIA's global report, the Indigenous World, provides an update of the current situation for Indigenous Peoples worldwide. Read The Indigenous World.

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