Pasts that do not pass: Indigenous genocides in Brazil


In the face of recent crimes against indigenous peoples in Brazil, it is necessary to focus attention on the systematicity and the solid structure of interests and impunity that foster and sustain them. In this framework, it is necessary to talk about the past, genocidal practices and develop reparation policies, but it is also necessary to ensure what is essential for indigenous peoples to flourish. Speeches of contempt against the lives of indigenous people, such as those of Jair Bolsonaro, are here to stay and in the face of this new wave of conflict, impunity must be socially intolerable.

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Ogiek celebrate 6th anniversary of ACHPR ruling

Hundreds of Ogiek celebrated the 6th anniversary of winning a ground-breaking court case at the African Court for Human and Peoples Rights (ACHPR) which ruled in favour of the Ogiek, who were acknowledged as Indigenous and won both compensation from the government of Kenya and the right to stay in the Mau Forest. 

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Bankariyas, Indigenous people living by national parks in Nepal, deprived of fundamental rights

The sunbeams piercing through banana leaves fall upon Bankariya huts in Musedhap, Makawanpur. As the morning comes to life, the community starts its daily routine. Amid the disorderly clucking and snorting, Kamala Bankariya is seated in the front yard — peeling strands from a stack of khareto (kharra) leaves that she freshly collected from the dense forests in Chure range.

Within hours of peeling the khareto strands, Kamala ties them in a bundle that eventually makes a jhadu, commonly used as a broom.

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IWGIA på Folkemøde Bornholm 2023

Folkemødet på Bornholm nærmer sig og også i år er IWGIA repræsenteret ved en række arrangementer. Tilmed har vi i år udvidet folkemødeholdet betydeligt. Vi har nemlig fået et nyt hold frivillige, som har arrangeret ikke mindre end fire events. Herudover deltager vi i fire andre events.

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Maasai delegation meets with European governments and politicians on eviction crisis

02.06.2023 (EUROPE) -- A Maasai delegation concluded a two-week tour in Europe, where they engaged with government and European Union (EU) representatives, faith-based and civil society groups across Germany, Austria, Italy and Belgium. The delegation aimed to secure international support against the ongoing evictions from their homeland in the Loliondo and Ngorongoro areas of Arusha Region, Tanzania. The advocacy tour generated an important wave of solidarity from European counterparts.

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IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Read more.

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Indigenous World

IWGIA's global report, the Indigenous World, provides an update of the current situation for Indigenous Peoples worldwide. Read The Indigenous World.

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