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Indigenous Peoples of Bangladesh – alive, struggling, fighting and uniting

The situation for Indigenous Peoples in Bangladesh in many ways echoes the situation of other Indigenous Peoples in Asia: they face heavy militarization; they are stigmatized as anti-national for wanting to be included in decisions affecting their lives – such as industrial development taking


Violation of Indigenous Peoples' Human Rights in Chitwan National Park of Nepal

This fact-finding mission report looks into human rights violations as well as abuses in the Chitwan National Park (CNP) of Nepal. following recent reports by BuzzFeed, The Kathmandu Post and other media, as well as other organisational reports, claiming the World Wide Fund for Nature


Impact of renewable energy projects on Indigenous communities in Kenya

The transition from the use of traditional energy sources to renewable energy solutions is rapidly becoming a necessity if humanity is to address the climate emergency we face. However, this pursuit cannot happen at the expense of human rights, including the loss of land, livelihoods and rights


Brazil: Silenced Genocides. IWGIA Report 27

How can indigenous peoples survive the dismantling of public policies and rights acquired by decades of work in Brazil? This process, resulting from setbacks to democracy, as described by the authors, shows that this is an emergency situation. There is a need to seek alternatives and for


Adivasis and Their Forest

If we calculate all the risks, 90 million Adivasis are struggling for their survival, losing access to forests and suffering the gravest threat of being alienated from their forest lands and traditional habitations.

This book is an attempt to understand the relationship between Adivasis


Indigenous peoples are still struggling with getting their rights recognized in Kenya

IWGIA participated in the first part of the 65th session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ in Gambia (21/10-10/11) and participated in a side-event on how to strengthen the voice of indigenous peoples and communities in Africa and in the ACHPR. We also supported a member of the


The limits of self-regulation and soft law in Business and Human Rights from a victims perspective: Reflecting on the human rights impacts by corporations from Chile, China, Spain and Peru

In the current global economic consensus of neoliberalism, maximizing profit is prioritized on behalf of respecting international human rights regulations. Ensuring multinational enterprises implement adequate corporate responsibility in Peru has been troublesome. This report describes issues


IWGIA fordømmer drab på leder af oprindeligt folkeslag i Brasilien

København – 29. juli: I sidste uge blev en 68-årige leder af Waiãpa folket fundet død i en flod nær hans landsby i det nordlige Brasilien. Drabet skete samtidig med, at omkring 50 guldgravere – heraf nogle svært bevæbnet – er blevet spottet i Waiãpernes lukkede reservat. Drabet er et nyt


IWGIA condemns killing of indigenous leader in Brazil

Waiãpi community / Facebook

Emyra Waiãpi, a 68-year-old indigenous leader, was stabbed to death last week as around 50 gold miners, a dozen of whom were heavily armed, entered the remote Waiãpi indigenous reserve in the northern Brazilian state of Amapá, which borders French Guiana, reported multiple Brazilian and


IWGIA Annual Report 2018

This annual report presents some of the many significant achievements IWGIA supported in 2018 for indigenous peoples' rights.

pubThe world today faces many challenges: a global climate and biodiversity crisis, rising inequality, shrinking civic space in many countries, and increasing distrust in international institutions and national political systems. Indigenous peoples make up five percent of the world’s population


Putla: A 75-year-old woman indigenous rights defender

The global rush for natural resources is one of the biggest threats against indigenous peoples’ as they often live in remote areas which are still rich on natural resources. Unfortunately, indigenous peoples are increasingly being criminalised – or even killed – when defending their rights. In


The Indigenous World 2019

Rising tensions between states and indigenous peoples are reaching a tipping point, and with an ever-shrinking civic space worldwide, the topics of criminalisation of Indigenous Rights Defenders’ activities and their organisations; land rights issues; and access to justice are more important


Indigenous peoples lives and their rights increasingly at risk

Press release: On 24 April 2019, at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York, IWGIA will release The Indigenous World 2019, an extensive, one-of-a-kind yearbook presenting a comprehensive, global overview of the developments indigenous peoples’ experience. 

Massacre on Fulani pastoralists in Mali

On 23 March 2019, more than 150 Fulani pastoralists were killed in their village in Ogossagou in Mopti region in central Mali. The attack started at dawn and was carried out with guns and machetes in a brutal manner. Men and women, young and old were killed, and the victims included many


International Year of Indigenous Languages

At least 43 percent of the 7,000 languages spoken in the world today are endangered. Many of these belong to indigenous peoples and if something doesn't change soon, UNESCO predicts that we will lose as many as 3,000 indigenous languages by the end of this century. In an effort to raise public


Indigenous rights defenders at risk

Recent reports by UN experts and human rights organisations document an alarming increase in violent attacks against and criminalisation of indigenous peoples defending their rights to their traditional lands and natural resources.

New land law threatens millions of livelihoods in Myanmar

Millions of people may soon become trespassers on their own land due to a newly amended land use law in Myanmar. The Vacant, Fallow and Virgin Land Management Law covers almost a third of the country’s territory, most of which is located in traditional indigenous/ethnic areas. IWGIA is greatly


Outcome Document: Defending the defenders, Copenhagen, 5-6 September 2018

Human rights defenders are dying, attacked and criminalized all over the world. This is happening at an increasingly alarming rate. In 2017, over 400 people were killed while protecting their community’s land or natural resources. Approximately half of these were indigenous peoples. The


Naturens sidste forsvarere trues til tavshed

I 2017 blev over 400 miljø- og menneskerettighedsforkæmpere dræbt og heraf er cirka halvdelen oprindelige folk. I anledning af IWGIA's 50års jubilæum sætter IWGIA's administrerende direktør Julie Koch fokus på den stigende kriminalisering af oprindelige folk.

50 år med at forsvare og promovere oprindelige folks rettigheder

2018 er året hvor International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) kan fejre 50 års jubilæum i vores forsvar af oprindelige folks rettigheder. På denne side kan du finde flere informationer af, hvad vi har opnået og hvilke trusler som oprindelige folk står overfor den dag i


50 years defending indigenous peoples' rights

This year the International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) celebrates 50 years of defending indigenous peoples' rights and we want to share with you some of the facts we are proud of and some of the issues that affect the world's 370 million indigenous peoples.

Indigenous land in Russia declared World Heritage

In the Far East of Russia, the indigenous Udege people have for decades fought to protect their land with support from IWGIA. In July, their long struggle was finally rewarded as an area nearly four times the size of Yosemite National Park has been awarded World Heritage Status.

We stand in solidarity with indigenous peoples of Colombia

IWGIA fully supports the press release published by the Indigenous Peoples Major Group that strongly condemns the persistent and gross human rights violations committed in Colombia and express solidarity with the indigenous peoples in the country.

Facts about indigenous peoples

 The 9th of August is the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples and this page provides a brief overview of the most important international agreements related to indigenous peoples and some general facts about indigenous peoples.

When economic development destroys indigenous peoples' livelihood

The Indigenous World 2018 finds that one of the biggest global threats against indigenous peoples is land-grabbing. Indigenous peoples in Nepal are experiencing this first hand as their livelihood is threatened when they are evicted from their ancestors’ land due to large-scale investments and


The Indigenous World 2018

The rising tensions between states and indigenous peoples are reaching a tipping point and The Indigenous World 2018 adds to the documented records, highlighting the increase in attacks and killings of indigenous peoples while defending their lands. The



Our publications

Knowledge generation is an important foundation for increasing understanding and for pushing for change. In this database, you can find all of our resources, which include books, manuals, briefings, human rights reports and urgent alerts. 


Rapport du Groupe de travail de la Commission africaine sur les Populations/Communautés autochtones.Industries Extractives, Droits Fonciers et Droits des Populations/Communautés Autochtones. Afrique de l’Est, Centrale et Australe

En 2003, la Commission africaine des droits de l’homme et des peuples (CADHP) a constitué un Groupe de travail sur les Populations/Communautés en Afrique (le Groupe de travail), chargé de conseiller la Commission sur les questions relatives aux droits des populations/communautés autochtones sur


Report of the African Commission’s Working Group on Indigenous Populations/Communities. Extractive Industries, Land Rights and Indigenous Populations'/Communities' Rights. East, Central and Southern Africa

In 2003, the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) established the Working Group on Indigenous Populations/Communities in Africa (WGIP) with the responsibility to advise the Commission on matters relating to the rights of indigenous populations/communities on the continent. In


La Voix des Autochtones



La voix des autochtones est un bulletin électronique annuel publié par le Groupe de travail sur les populations et communautés autochtones (le GTPA ou le Groupe


The Voice of the Indigenous



The Voice of the Indigenous is an annual e-newsletter of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations/Communities (WGIP) of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the


¿Quiénes somos?

IWGIA es una organización global de derechos humanos dedicada a promover y defender los derechos de los pueblos indígenas.

Desde 1968, IWGIA ha cooperado con organizaciones indígenas e instituciones internacionales para



Cuando decide apoyar nuestro trabajo, está contribuyendo a promover y proteger los derechos de los pueblos indígenas en el mundo. Tanto si desea hacer  una donación única, aportar una donación mensual o hacerse miembro de IWGIA, le agradecemos su apoyo.



IWGIA comparte noticias, alertas urgentes, hojas informativas, investigación, estudios, libros e informes elaborados por nuestro equipo de expertos y aliados.


Mundo Indígena

Cada año informamos sobre la situación de los pueblos indígenas en todo el mundo. Nuestro anuario, El Mundo Indígena, documenta el estado de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas en países de todos los continentes, con informes exhaustivos elaborados por expertos,


The Indigenous World 2017

This yearbook gives a comprehensive update on the current situation of indigenous peoples and their human rights situation across the world, and offers an overview of the most significant developments in international and regional processes relating to indigenous peoples during


Indigenous Women

Standing tall, head held high, her dignity on full display. That’s the image of an empowered indigenous woman confronting discrimination and violence, saying “enough is enough” to the tragic impact of extractive industries and other development projects in her ancestral territories. The play of


Denmark is still standing with indigenous peoples

You have to look a bit before you will find it. But on page 33 in the new Danish development strategy you will find indigenous peoples rights as a key priority in the human rights area. The new strategy has been adopted by all the parties in the Danish

The Unspoken Vice in Samburu Community

The Samburu are a Nilotic community who reside in Northern Kenya. One cultural practice among the Samburu community is Girl-Child Beading. This practice sanctions a non-marital sexual relationship between Samburu men in the ‘warrior’ age group and young Samburu girls (usually between the ages


Briefing Note: Arrests and harassments of human rights defenders in Tanzania

This briefing note call attention to the ongoing situation of harassments and arbitrary arrests of human rights defenders in Loliondo in northern Tanzania.It offers an account of the recent events taking place in the area and background information. IWGIA believes that these developments are a


Indigenous Peoples, Communities of African Descent, Extractive Industries

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) addresses in this report State obligations with regard to extraction, exploitation, and development activities concerning natural resources. Through the implementation of its monitoring mechanisms, the Commission has consistently received


The Indigenous World 2016

This yearbook gives a global update on the current situation of indigenous peoples and their human rights and provides an overview of the main developments that have affected indigenous women and men in the course of 2015. In 54 country specific reports and 12 articles on international


Indigenous Heroines: A Saga of Tribal Women of India

This book is dedicated to all the indigenous tribal women and men of India who have sacrificed their lives to protect 'Mother Earth', indigenous identity and culture; to martyrs of the freedom movement; to the thousands of innocent women, men and children who are victims of violence in the


Mission Saranda. A War for Natural Resources in India

Dedicated to the martyrs of Saranda Forest, who have sacrificed their lives to protect their ancestral land, territory and resources.

This book and the Saranda issue it highlights are of greatest national significance. Gladson Dungdung has performed a profound service by writing


In defense of our right to our mineral resources in our Ancestral Territories

The Blaan is among the 18 major indigenous peoples in Mindanao, collectively referred to as Lumads. They number about 450,0001 concentrated in the mountain ranges of South Cotabato (100,000) and Davao del Sur (95,000) with the third largest but considerably


Report of the African Commisson's Working Group on Indigenous Populations/Communities. Research and Information Visit to the Republic of Tanzania, 21 January - 6 February 2013

In early 2013, a working group under the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights undertook research on the human rights situation of indigenous peoples in Tanzania. For the duration of two weeks, a delegation formed by the Working Group on Indigenous Populations/Communities met with


The Indigenous World 2015

Seven years after the adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, The Indigenous World 2015 looks at the most significant developments and setbacks for indigenous peoples’ rights at the national and international level during the previous year and at indigenous peoples’


Briefing Note: Ethnic Violence in Morogoro Region in Tanzania

In early 2015, Maasai and Datoga citizens living in the Morogoro region of Tanzania were victims of deadly, ethnic violence. According to reports from local media, the assaults were instigated by public figures interested in acquiring land, and state authorities have not intervened to protect


A study on the socio-economic status of Indigenous peoples in Nepal

The present study aims to assess the poverty levels of the various indigenous groups in Nepal. It was developed to address the lack of existing disaggregated data and statistics on the socio-economic status of Nepal’s many indigenous groups. By presenting data on a broad set of socio-economic


Rapport du Groupe de Travail de la Commission Africaine sur les Populations/Communautes Autochtones. Visite de Reserche et d'Information en République de Tanzanie, 21 janvier - 6 février 2013

La Commission africaine des droits de l’homme et des peuples (CADHP), qui est l’organe de l’Union Africaine en charge des droits humains, s’occupe de la situation des droits humains des populations autochtones depuis 1999. Ces populations font partie des groupes les plus vulnérables du continent...

World Heritage Sites and Indigenous Peoples' Rights

This book includes 20 case studies of World Heritage sites from around the world and relevant background articles. The case studies explore and document, from a human rights perspective, indigenous peoples’ experiences with World Heritage sites and with the processes of the World Heritage


Indigenous Women in REDD+ Making their Voice Heard

Women – both indigenous and non-indigenous – have actively engaged in international and national REDD+ processes to raise their concerns regarding the potential negative impact of REDD+ on women, and to assert their right to equally participate in negotiations, planning and implementation of


Russia: Indigenous Peoples in the Russian Federation. IWGIA Report 18

This report examines the human rights situation of the 41 indigenous peoples living in the Northern and Asian territories of the Russian Federation. While their historical homelands account for two-thirds of the territory of contemporary Russia, these people number a little over 250,000


Post 2015 Development Process: Water

Indigenous peoples constitute 5 % of the world’s population but 15 % of the world’s poor. They make up around 1/3 of the world’s extremely poor rural population. Many lack access to, control over and suffer pollution of their water resources, severely damaging their health, livelihood and


Fact Sheet: Indigenous peoples in the post-2015 development framework

The universal Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the post-2015 development agenda are crucial for indigenous peoples as they will determine the direction of global sustainability and development efforts over the coming decade. Indigenous peoples make up more than 370 million people


Post 2015 Development Process: Environmental Sustainability

Many of the areas of highest biological diversity on the planet are inhabited by indigenous peoples. The current and accelerating climatic and environmental changes threaten indigenous peoples’ basis for existence around the world. The post-2015 development agenda offers a unique opportunity to


Constitutional Politics and Indigenous Peoples in Nepal

This report is the result of a monitoring visit to assess IWGIA’s support to promoting and defending indigenous peoples’ rights in the new constitution and beyond. Indigenous peoples in Nepal, known as adivasi janajati, have for centuries experienced systematic discrimination and


Briefing Note - Post 2015 Development Process: Women

Indigenous women face a range of problems related to the violation of their rights. This note focuses on the causes and how they can be addressed in the post-2015 development agenda. It has been prepared by the International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) in collabo-ration with


Post 2015 Development Process: Health

Indigenous peoples lack behind on health. The post-2015 development agenda offers a unique op-portunity for indigenous peoples to address what they see as key concerns and priorities. The paper is intended as a discussion paper for stakeholders in the post-2015 process and reflects on the


Post 2015 Development Process: Education

If indigenous peoples are to enjoy their universal right to education, there are a number of constraints and concerns that need to be addressed. The post-2015 development agenda offers a unique opportunity for indigenous peoples to address what they see as key priorities and the way forward for


Post 2015 Development Process: Governance

The post-2015 development framework poses a unique opportunity to address the critical governance issues that are affecting indigenous peoples. This note has been prepared by the International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA)1 in collaboration with Tebtebba. The note is intended as a


The Indigenous World 2014

The 2014 edition contains a comprehensive update on the current situation of indigenous peoples in 73 articles written by indigenous and non-indigenous scholars and activists.

The book provides 58 country reports and 15 articles on international processes, reflecting ongoing worldwide


Tilting the Balance: Indigenous Women, Development and Access to Justice

This report on the Southeast Asia Consultation on Development, Access to Justice and the Human Rights of Indigenous women is intended as a material to be used by indigenous women, advocates, policy-makers and the public for the promotion, protection and respect of the rights of indigenous women


Briefing Paper: Indigenous Women in Asia - Challenges in their access to justice

This briefing paper is prepared as part of the advocacy of the Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) for the respect, protection and recognition of the human rights of indigenous women. In this paper, the focus is on access to justice for indigenous women in Southeast Asia facing


Violence, Customary Law and Indigenous Women’s Rights in Asia

The briefing paper analyses how gender relations in Asian indigenous societies have undergone and continue to undergo changes in response to external factors. Finally it draws conclusions and recommendations based on addressing problems through empowering indigenous women in traditional


Violence against Indigenous Women and Girls: A Complex Phenomenon

This briefing note, published by the Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) and Forest Peoples Programme, is intended to develop discussion and thought about the complexity of the challenges of violence against indigenous women and girls. Work being done by indigenous women’s organisations in Asia




IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Read more.

For media inquiries click here

Indigenous World

IWGIA's global report, the Indigenous World, provides an update of the current situation for Indigenous Peoples worldwide. Read The Indigenous World.

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DK 1422 Copenhagen
Phone: (+45) 53 73 28 30
E-mail: iwgia@iwgia.org
CVR: 81294410

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