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The Yanomami in the Face of Ethnocide

In Latin America - in Venezuela - of all the words ban­died about, there is no more hollow and misused term than "integration", but there is none which is greeted with such a large consensus. Everyone agrees, it is necessary to integrate the ethnic minorities into national life, it is an


The Brazilian Indigenous Problems and Policy: The Aripuana Park

The objective of this work is to report the experiences I had in Brazil during the five months of my stay with the Indians of the Ari­puanã Indigenous Park, from July to December, 1972, I went there as a physician and ethnologist, having previously spent some time in the Peruvian forest in


Indians of Eastern Bolivia: Aspects of their Present Situation

This article is an attempt to describe the present situation of Indians of Eastern Bolivia. Historical events will be referred to only when they are relevant to an understanding of the Indian cultures. Before proceeding with a systematic description, certain facts which are of general


Oppression in Argentina: The Mataco Case

The present report has a very clear purpose: to make known the situation in which an ethnic minority survives in the Ar­gentine part of the Great Chaco. Having chosen here the Mataco does not imply that this group lives under particular conditions, different from those of the Toba, M'bya,


The Araucanian Indian in Chile

The ARAUCANIANS are one of the larger of the native peoples of South America, and they include different ethnic sub-groups, some of which are now extinct. A relatively large population, once geographically spread extensively over the southern cone of South America, at present they are reduced


The Amuesha People of Central Peru: Their Struggle to Survive

In the year 1742, the national liberation movement lead by Juan Santos Atahualpa forced the missionaries of the Franciscan Order, their military back-up, and the Spanish colonists they brought, to leave the central montaña of Peru and allowed the Amueeha and Campa peoples of the area to


The Aché: Genocide Continues in Paraguay

“The Aché Indians: Genocide in Paraguay” (IWGIA Document 11) documented the extermination of the Aché in Paraguay up to September 1972. At that time, a public scandal broke out in Paraguay over the Indian situation. The authorities promised an inquiry, one man was arrested, and there was hope


Native People in Areas of Internal National Expansion: Indians and Inuit in Canada

In the last few years there have been an increasing number of major development projects which have raised issues of native rights. The list includes the Bennett Darn, the Bighorn Darn, the James Bay project, the flooding of Southern Indian Lake, explora­tion and resource development in the


The Brazilian Indigenous Problem and Policy: The Example of the Xingu National Park

In 1971 a road linking Brasilia with Manaus was constructed so that it crossed the Xingu Park. In 1973 another road violation of the national park was on the way. The present publication illustrates Brazilian natives policy at the time of these violations and indicates the difficulty of solving


The Dynamics of the Ye'cuana ("Maquiritare") Political System: Stability and Crisis

The Ye'cuana or De'cuana, better known in the anthropologi­cal literature as Maquiritare1) , are approximately 1500 Carib­speaking, tropical-forest people. Their villages21 are scattered along the upper course of the Caura and Paragua Rivers, or bran­ches of the latter (Bolivar


The Aché Indians: Genocide in Paraguay

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how the basic human rights described in the United Nations Charter of Human Rights are denied to the Aché (Guayaki ) Indians of Paraguay, not through indifference or neglect , but by a deliberate Government policy of genocide disguised as


The Urgent Situation of the Cuiva Indians of Colombia

This publication documents how, after four centuries of struggle against the European invasion of their territory, the Cuiva are now threatened not only with cultural extinction, but also with physical ectermination at the hands of Colombian cattle herders. Between July 1968 and July 1970 the


Tribal Survival in the Amazon: The Campa Case

At the time of the release of this publication the Campa Indians of the Peruvian Amazon was experiencing steady shrinking of their homeland and being in the pathway of major economic development efforts, which threatened and still threatens the Campa Indians traditional way of life. The


The Forest Indians in the Present Political Situation of Peru

This publication focus on the subject of the tribal minorities og the Peruvian tropical forest from the point of view of the political circumstances and the general administrative conditions of Perú.


The Situation of the Adivasis of Chotanagpur and Santal Parganas, Bihar, India

Although Bihar has one of the largest industrial complexes of India and is rich in mineral resources, one of the poorest and most backward populations of India reside there. The total population of Bihar is
46 455 600. The "Tribal Belt" of Bihar, Chotanagpur Division and Santal Parganas


Tribal Survival in the Alto Marañon: The Aguaruna Case

The title of this IWGIA report is a permutation of Bodley's Tribal Survival in the Amazon: The Campa Case (IWGIA-DOCUMENT 5, 1972). However, the similarity between the two papers goes beyond
the title, The Jivaro-speaking Aguaruna and the Arawak-speaking
Campa both inhabit the


Report from Eritrea

Symptoms of Partiality
In "Aftonbladet" (ed. in Sweden) the Ethiopian minister of information
has adamently denied that reports on the massacres in Eritrea, given by one of the best friends of the Ethio­pian people, the Swedish missionaire Olle Hagner, have any foundation,




IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Read more.

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Indigenous World

IWGIA's global report, the Indigenous World, provides an update of the current situation for Indigenous Peoples worldwide. Read The Indigenous World.

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DK 1422 Copenhagen
Phone: (+45) 53 73 28 30
E-mail: iwgia@iwgia.org
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