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  • Rights to Respect amidst the era of Climate Change: Regional Learning workshop on IP Women and Customary Land Tenure

Rights to Respect amidst the era of Climate Change: Regional Learning workshop on IP Women and Customary Land Tenure

Publisher: POINT - IWGIA
Author: POINT
Publication language: English
Country publication is about: Myanmar
Region publication is about: Asia, Asia
Financially supported by: NORAD
Release year: 2018

Tags: Women, Climate

Myanmar is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world to climate change, with the threat of flooding, drought, cyclones, and changing rainfall patters threatening lives and livelihoods.1 Myanmar’s National Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (2017) outlines the major risks that Myanmar will face. Heavier rainfall and shorter monsoons increase the risk of landslides in the uplands and flooding along river basins. Changing rainfall patterns and drought threaten agriculture, most of which is rainfed. The risk of damage from more frequent and larger cyclones is compounded by mangrove deforestation across the coastline.

Across the world, all countries must make contributions to combating climate change. Every sector has a role to play in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, sequestering emissions, and adapting to the impacts of climate change. POINT has been working on climate change in Myanmar and internationally, with a focus on the role and contribution of Indigenous Peoples. This workshop is part of POINT’s ongoing research on the role of Indigenous women specifically, who are vulnerable to climate change impacts but also have important contributions to make both within their own communities and for global and international efforts.

This workshop explores the role of Indigenous women and customary tenure in relation to climate change. Women and men from across Myanmar came together for three days to share their own experiences and to learn from IP groups and academics from 5 countries in Asia. Participants learned about IP women and customary tenure in Nepal, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand, and discussed how Indigenous women in Myanmar can learn from these regional experiences. Day one focused on IP women’s land rights in law and policy, the second day focused on IP women’s roles in land management and in decision-making from their communities to the national level, and day three focused on the role and contribution of IP women to climate action
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