Customary Land Tenure: Case Study in Sar Pauk Village

Publisher: POINT - IWGIA
Number of pages: 30
Publication language: English
Financially supported by: NORAD
Release year: 2017

Tags: Land rights, Climate

The study was conducted by POINT (Promotion of Indigenous and Nature Together) in Sar Pauk village, and especially emphasized on the customary land tenure of the village. The objective of the study is to identify and document customary land tenure of the village, including livelihoods, land use, management of land and forest.

In order to conduct this study, the researcher went to the village three times (three days each trip) and spent 9 days in total in the village (in May, September 2015, and January 2016). The methods used in the study are group discussions (elders, women group, and youth), in-depth interviews, informal discussions, field visits and observation. During the last trip, the territories of some rotational farming areas were measured in collaboration with the villagers.

In regard with rotational farming, studied crop changes and method of doing farming and increase of orchard, including opportunities and threats of doing orchards. All the villagers including immigrants have the right to access rotational faming land and communal land. However, in connection with orchards, they have different rights. Introducing orchards in this village led to sale of land among the villagers but not to outsiders. According to customary land tenure system of Sar Pauk village women have no right to own land but use rights.

Another aspect of this study was forest management. The villagers’ practice of rotational farming is integrated with good practices contributing sustainability of forest and water resources. Unfortunately, illegal logging is one of the issues facing inside of the territory. The concern of the villagers is external intervention like land confiscation happening in other communities in this area.

The recognition of customary land tenure is important and crucial for food security and better forest management because food security totally depend on security of the land and promoting good practices of customary forest management will contribute to betterment of forest.

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