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  • Asia Summit on Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples, 24-27 February 2009, Bali Rani Hotel, Bali, Indonesia - Report of the Summit

Asia Summit on Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples, 24-27 February 2009, Bali Rani Hotel, Bali, Indonesia - Report of the Summit

Publisher: Tebtebba Foundation
Author: Prepared by: Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, Leah Enkiwe-Abayao, Helen Magata and Helen Tugendhat / Edited by: Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, Joji Cariño and Raymond de Chavez
Number of pages: 46
Publication language: English
Financially supported by: EED, IFAD, IWGIA, Third World Network
Release year: 2009

Tags: Climate

1.1. Background
1.1.1. The idea for this Summit emerged from the original plan to hold a Global
Summit on Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change which will be held
in Alaska from 20-24 April 2009. This Global Summit is mainly organized
by the International Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC). During the first meeting
of the Global Steering Committee in New York last May 2008, the Asia
focal person of this committee suggested that before the Global Summit
takes place the regions could hold their own processes so that more
people from the regions can be involved. The Committee agreed but it
made clear that the responsibility for raising funds and organizing these
processes will rest with the regional focal persons interested to pursue
1.1.2. The focal person for Asia, Vicky Tauli-Corpuz, discussed the idea with
several partners who might be interested to support these initiatives. The
International Work Group on Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA), a support NGO
for indigenous peoples based in Copenhagen, agreed to provide seed
funding for the Asia and Africa Summits. Then, IFAD (International Fund
for Agricultural Development) came on board after Tauli-Corpuz got the
commitment of the President of IFAD, Lennart Böge, to support the three
regional summits. The IFAD funding has been channeled to MPIDO
(Mainyoto Pastoralists Integrated Development Organization) but it covered
all three summits. Evangelische Entwicklungdienst (EED e.V) of
Germany also provided support for the colleagues in Tebtebba who, together
with the Secretariat of AMAN, did the organizing work for this
Summit. The Third World Network (TWN) gave modest support to bring
more participants. We express our heartfelt gratitude to these partners
who provided the resources which allowed the Asia Summit and other
regional summits to take place.
1.1.3. The organizers for the regional summits were Tarcila Rivera Zea of Chirapaq 
in Peru for the Latin America and Carribean Summit, Joseph Ole Simel
of the MPIDO in Kenya for the Africa Summit and Vicky Tauli-Corpuz of
Tebtebba Foundation in the Philippines for the Asia Summit.
1.1.4. An Asian Indigenous Peoples’ Steering Committee for the Climate Change
Summit was established in Chiangmai, during the Regional Fair on the
Implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
(UNDRIP) in Chiangmai, Thailand in June 2008. The members of this
group helped identify the participants from their countries, recommended
indigenous researchers on local adaptation and mitigation measures and
helped run the Summit. A listserve was set up to sustain communications
between the members and other indigenous persons and representatives
of support NGOs who expressed their desire to be part of this.
The listserve is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
1.1.5. The main organizers for this Summit were Tebtebba (Indigenous Peoples’
International Centre for Policy Research and Education) and AMAN (Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara).
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