Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples: Policies and Practices in Nepal

Publisher: NEFIN and CIPRED
Author: Editors: Krishna B. Bhattachan, Pasang Sherpa and Pasang Dolma Sherpa
Number of pages: 253
ISBN number: 978-9937-001922
Publication language: English
Country publication is about: Nepal
Region publication is about: Asia
Financially supported by: IWGIA, AIPP, Norad, Danida, The World Bank
Release year: 2016

Tags: Climate

The problem of climate change is a relatively new pressing global concern. Efforts for mitigation and adaptation from its effects are drawing attention of all. Although indigenous peoples are not responsible for the causes of climate change, they are the ones who are at the forefront of its adverse impacts, especially in their sustainable management of natural resources and livelihood. The international research fi ndings have already revealed that the remaining forests in the world are found in the territories and lands of indigenous peoples because of their customary practices and indigenous knowledge. Scientists have now come up with their strong recommendations that until and unless we protect indigenous peoples’ knowledge and customary practices for sustainable management of forest and biodiversity, addressing the impacts of climate change is not possible.

There is a need for a wider dissemination of customary laws and practices and their role in sustainable land, forest and natural resource management for the direct benefi t of indigenous leaders, policy makers, academics, and researchers. Also, there is need to create awareness about the importance of adaptation and mitigation of climate change in order to formulate climate change-related policies and programs accordingly and effectively.

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