What to do with REDD? A Manual for Indigenous Trainers

Publisher: IWGIA , AIPP, FPP, Tebtebba
Author: Christian Erni & Helen Tugendhat (eds)
Number of pages: 180
ISBN number: 978-87-91563-71-3
Publication language: English
Release year: 2010

Tags: Land rights, Climate

Training manual written for indigenous trainers who intend to facilitate a training on REDD for indigenous leaders. It has been devised for a proposed five-days training programme with five modules. The manual includes suggestions for the objectives of each module, activities and methods, materials and a schedule. It is suggested that you use this training manual together with the informatio0n booklet “What is REDD?”, which should be distributed to the trainees prior to the training. The booklet provides both you and the trainees with a summary of the thematic issues covered by modules 1 to 4 of the training manual. The texts and important graphs (but not the pictures) are also reproduced in the training manual to allow you quick access during the preparation of the training. The booklet “What is REDD?” does however not contain any reference material for module 5. You will have to provide the trainees with hand-outs, if necessary, and you should encourage the trainees to take their own notes. The manual is accompanied with a CD containing electronic copies of the visual material (graphs, cartoons) printed in the information booklet , which you may want to use in preparing PowerPoint presentations etc. The CD also contains PDF files of manuals on facilitations skills and training techniques, including games and other suggestions that will be helpful for preparing your training sessions. Although this manual provides suggestions for a detailed training programme, the training must start with experiences and needs of the participants if it is to ensure genuine participation. The contents of the training as well as the materials used and distributed should therefore be tailored to the particular context of each country or even the local area where the trainers will work. For that purposed, the information booklet “What is REDD?” has already been translated into several languages, and adapted to the respective national contexts. More translations and adaptations are currently being done. This book has been produced with financial support from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD).

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