In Philippine Bisaya: Lumadnong Katawhan

Publisher: IWGIA, AnthroWatch
Author: Jens Dahl & Alejandro Parellada
Number of pages: 144
ISBN number: 87-90730-86-0
Publication language: Bisaya
Country publication is about: Philippines, Filipinas
Region publication is about: International, Internacional
Financially supported by: Norwegian Agency for Development (NORAD) and Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA)
Release year: 2005

Tags: Human rights, Philippine Tagalog

Translated from the Spanish title: Pueblos Indígenas

The book gives an overview of the status and plight of indigenous peoples in various regions of the world and in the Cordillera region in the Philippines. How do they define themselves, what sets them apart from other peoples? And why do we need to show interest for their specific problems? These and other questions are dealt with in this book.

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