Tribal Survival in the Alto Marañon: The Aguaruna Case

Publisher: IWGIA
Author: Henning Siverts
Number of pages: 81
Publication language: English
Country publication is about: Peru, Perú
Region publication is about: Latin America, América Latina
Release year: 1972
Release Month | Day: jan-72

Tags: Human rights

The title of this IWGIA report is a permutation of Bodley's Tribal Survival in the Amazon: The Campa Case (IWGIA-DOCUMENT 5, 1972). However, the similarity between the two papers goes beyond
the title, The Jivaro-speaking Aguaruna and the Arawak-speaking
Campa both inhabit the Peruvian Amazon, they both fought fiercely
and successfully against the intruders, and they both suffer under the impact of recently launched colonization projects.1)
Certainly the list of resemblances may be extended almost indefinitely since colonial history, particularly one of adjacent areas, tends to repeat itself, The differences that do emerge are variations with regard to scale rather than to the nature of the confrontation between members of the alien cultures. The Campa have been exposed to foreign influence for a longer period than the Aguaruna, and societal destruction as well as human degradation may therefore have reached a more advanced stage among the former.

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