Indigenous Affairs 3-4/09: Pastoralism

Publisher: IWGIA
Number of pages: 70
ISSN number: 1024-3283
Publication language: English
Country publication is about: Kenya, Kenia, Tanzania, Burkina Faso
Region publication is about: International, Internacional
Release year: 2010
Release Month | Day: apr-10

Tags: Land rights

This issue of Indigenous Affairs focuses on the situation of the millions of indigenous peoples who are nomadic pastoralists. Nomadic pastoralists have unique cultures and make unique and productive use of harsh environments. Nomadic pastoralists the world over are, however, the subject of an unusually large number of myths and misconceptions that have led to inadequate, often hostile development policies, entrenched pastoral poverty, discrimination and human rights violations. Pastoralists have much to offer in terms of unique indigenous knowledge, economic contributions, cultural diversity etc., but in order to realize their full potential, misconceptions need to be corrected and supportive policies and programmes put in place.

This issue is also available in French.

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