Report from Eritrea
Symptoms of Partiality
In "Aftonbladet" (ed. in Sweden) the Ethiopian minister of information
has adamently denied that reports on the massacres in Eritrea, given by one of the best friends of the Ethiopian people, the Swedish missionaire Olle Hagner, have any foundation, disnursing them as being mere symptoms of partiality. According to him, Hagner was speaking on behalf of the liberation front. That is simply an easy way out. Very likely I myself will be accused of being equally biased. And I willingly admit that I do take sides. Not the side of any special grouping within the Ethiopian internal political system, but that of people in the peasants' stone-built villages and the herdsmen's huts. This is a partiality which would should be readily understood by those who have ordered these people's homes to be laid waste, and the innocents to be cruelly shot down.