The Health and Survival of the Venezuelan Yanoama

Publisher: IWGIA
Author: Marcus Colchester (ed.)
Number of pages: 104
ISSN number: 0105-4503
Publication language: English
Country publication is about: Venezuela
Region publication is about: Latin America, América Latina
Release year: 1985
Release Month | Day: apr-85

Tags: Human rights

It is now generally agreed that, along with land invasion, the single most important factor in the extermination of the original peoples of the Americas has been disease. In South America, the rapid disappearance of Amazonian Indians, has been inextricably linked to the spread of infectious diseases carried to the continent from the Old World (cf Kroeger and Barbira-Freedman 1982). According to one estimate, for example, of the total of 49 million thought to have inhabited South America in 1492 some 96% were eliminated in the first few decades. In all some 90 to 95 million American Indians may have become extinct in the past four hundred years (Wilbert 1972).

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