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  • Indigenous Peoples' Experiences with Self-Government: Proceedings of the seminar on arrangements for self-determination by Indigenous Peoples within national states, 10 and 11 February, 1994, Law Faculty, University of Amsterdam

Indigenous Peoples' Experiences with Self-Government: Proceedings of the seminar on arrangements for self-determination by Indigenous Peoples within national states, 10 and 11 February, 1994, Law Faculty, University of Amsterdam

Publisher: IWGIA
Author: Edited by W.J. Assies and A.J. Hoekema
Number of pages: 215
ISSN number: 0105-6387
Publication language: English
Region publication is about: International, Internacional
Financially supported by: The Department of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands (Directorate for Development Cooperation), and The Law Faculty of Amsterdam University
Release year: 1994

Tags: Human rights

Indigenous peoples all over the world are nowadays struggling to recover their ancestral lands, to obtain redress for centuries of oppres­sion and even to establish some form of self-government as one, and only one, way of exercising their right to self-determination. Some would like to enter into a modest scheme of self-government e.g. a sort of municipal authority as a first step in the direction of more autonomy. Others pursue a more comprehensive settlement in the sense of being recognized as a nation within a state that would have to become a plurinational or multiethnic state. Still others do not want to engage in debates with the national states which they regard as illegitimate autho­rities. They want to develop their own forms of government and then demarcate their jurisdictions from those of the state that claims territo­rial sovereignty also over indigenous territory.

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