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  • Dam a River, Damn a People? Saami (Lapp) Livelihood and the Alta/Kautokeino Hydro-electric Project and the Norwegian Parliament

Dam a River, Damn a People? Saami (Lapp) Livelihood and the Alta/Kautokeino Hydro-electric Project and the Norwegian Parliament

Publisher: IWGIA
Author: Robert Paine
Number of pages: 107
ISSN number: 0105-4503
Publication language: English
Country publication is about: Norway, Noruega
Region publication is about: Arctic, Ártico
Release year: 1982
Release Month | Day: jan-82

Tags: Land rights, Climate

This document is an edited English version of a brief written for the Supreme Court of Norway with an added general introduction to the Saami, the Alta/Kautokeino project and the context of North Norway. The proposed Alta/Kautokeino hydro scheme brings the Saami world in Norway very close indeed to its 'to be or not to be'. The likely consequences are so encompassing. They affect sendentary as well as pastoralist Saami: their ecology, economy, demography and hence their sense of self as Saami. This issue has long since become something more important than then building of a power station. Contents: 1:Introduction 2:Character of the tundra reindeer pastoralism 3:Reindeer reaction to disturbances 4:The affected area and consequences for reindeer pastoralism 5: Parliament, the court judgement, and reindeer pastoralism 6: One population 7: Politics of the tundra 8: Other consequences of the hydro project 9: Summary and conclusions

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