Indigenous Affairs 2/97

Publisher: IWGIA
Number of pages: 64
ISSN number: 1024-3283
Publication language: English
Region publication is about: International, Internacional
Release year: 1997
Release Month | Day: jul-97

Tags: Global governance, Human rights, International Processes

I would love to open up the charter of the United Nations´s said one indigenous representative during the second United Nations workshop on the establishment of a permanent forum for indigenous peoples. It was held in Santiago, Chile, on 30 June to 2 July, 1997. and the Chilean government was the host. As it is known to all who have followed the work within the UN for securing indigenous peoples´ rights, there are two issues of main importance: the one being the adoption of the declaration on indigenous peoples´ rights, the other one being the establishment of a permanent forum. The first workshop was held in Copenhagen in 1995, and the decision to hold a second workshop was taken in a resolution adopted by the Commission on Human Rights at its 53rd session this year.

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