Knowledge generation is an important foundation for increasing understanding and for pushing for change. In this database, you can find all of our resources, which include books, manuals, briefings, human rights reports and urgent alerts.
Country publication is about: Argentina, Botswana, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Greenland, Hawaii, Honduras, India, Nicaragua, Peru, Sri Lanka, USA, USSR
Region publication is about: International; internacional
Release year: 1989
Release Month | Day: Aug
This Newsletter contains articles from Argentina, Botswana, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Greenland, Hawaii, Honduras, India, Nicaragua, Peru, Sri Lanka, USA, USSR.
Country publication is about: Alaska, Amazon, Argentina, Australia, Botswana, Brazil, East Timor, New Caledonia, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, Soviet Union
Region publication is about: International; internacional
Release year: 1989
Release Month | Day: May
This Newsletter contains articles from Alaska, Amazon, Argentina, Australia, Botswana, Brazil, East Timor, New Caledonia, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, Soviet Union.
Region publication is about: Latin America, América Latina
Release year: 1989
Release Month | Day: apr-89
This document describes the cultural genocide of the indigenous peoples of Paraguay by the New Tribes Mission. The fundamentalists missionaries of the NTM have been particularly destructive among the Ayoreode of the Chaco, and the document looks at how the destruction has increased over the last thirty years. The author places the work of the NTM ia a historical context stretching back to the time...
IWGIA's Annual Report presents the results of IWGIA's activities in 1988 and highlights examples of projects and processes implemented or supported by IWGIA throughout the year.
Country publication is about: Canada, Canadá, United States of America, Estados Unidos
Region publication is about: Arctic, Ártico
Release year: 1989
Release Month | Day: jan-89
This document, the first of two volumes, is a collection of articles comparing the problems and issues facing the indigenous nations of North America. Loss of lands and resources at the hands of contemporary nation-states such as the U.S. and Canada, as well as cultural "assimilation" policies undertaken by these states, have placed Native North America in grave peril. Both the nature of the threa...
Publisher: The International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA)
Author: Andrew Gray, Sheila Aikman and Fay Cohen eds.
Number of pages: 142
ISSN number: 0902-6266
Publication language: English
Region publication is about: Africa, África, Arctic, Ártico, Asia, Latin America, América Latina, North America, América del Norte , Pacific, Pacífico
Release year: 1989
This book provides an overview of the present situation and crucial developments in 1988 among indigenous peoples in Asia, Africa, the Arctic, the Pacific and the Americas. Out of print!
Country publication is about: International; internacional
Financially supported by: NORAD
Release year: 1988
Dette heftet fra IWGIA - Den internasjonale arbeidsgruppen for urbefolkningssaker - viser hvor viktige urbefolkningene er i spørsmål som angår menneskerettigheter, naturvern og miljø. Norge har selv en urbefolkning, samene. Norsk industri er sterkt engasjert i urbefolkningsområder. Norge blir sett på som et foregangsland i menneskerettighetssaker og i miljøspørsmål. Det er derfor viktig ...
Country publication is about: Aotearoa, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, India, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Malaysia, Mexico, Pacific
Region publication is about: International; internacional
Release year: 1988
Release Month | Day: Aug
This Newsletter contains articles from Aotearoa, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, India, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Malaysia, Mexico, Pacific.
Region publication is about: Africa, África, Arctic, Ártico, Asia, Latin America, América Latina
Release year: 1988
Release Month | Day: apr-88
The objective of this document is to outline the relationship between tourism and cultural minorities. It aims to understand the nature of the relationship, to point out its most serious and harmful effects and to make known some of the survival strategies which cultural minorities employ. Tourism is the greatest economic and socio-cultural phenomenon of our epoch and cultural minorities suff...
IWGIA's Annual Report presents the results of IWGIA's activities in 1987 and highlights examples of projects and processes implemented or supported by IWGIA throughout the year.
Publisher: The International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA)
Author: Andrew Gray, Ed.
Number of pages: 97
ISSN number: 0902-6266
Publication language: English
Region publication is about: Africa, África, Arctic, Ártico, Asia, Latin America, América Latina, North America, América del Norte , Pacific, Pacífico
Release year: 1988
This book provides an overview of the present situation and crucial developments in 1987 among indigenous peoples in Asia, Africa, the Arctic, the Pacific and the Americas. Out of print!
Country publication is about: Australia, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Burma, Canada, East Timor, Ecuador, Greenland, India, Japan, Malaysia, Nagaland, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Saamiland, South Moluccas, Surinam, U.S.A., West Papua
Region publication is about: International; internacional
Release year: 1987
Release Month | Day: Dec
This Newsletter contains articles from Australia, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Burma, Canada, East Timor, Ecuador, Greenland, India, Japan, Malaysia, Nagaland, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Saamiland, South Moluccas, Surinam, U.S.A., West Papua.
Country publication is about: Argentina, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Australia, Bangladesh, Burma, Brazil, Canada, Columbia, Fiji, India, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Somalia, West Papua
Region publication is about: International; internacional
Release year: 1987
Release Month | Day: Jul
This Newsletter contains articles from Argentina, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Australia, Bangladesh, Burma, Brazil, Canada, Columbia, Fiji, India, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Somalia, West Papua.
Country publication is about: Arctic, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, El Salvador, Hawai'i, India, Nicaragua, Peru, Surinam, Tigray, Venezuela
Region publication is about: International; internacional
Release year: 1987
Release Month | Day: Apr
This Newsletter contains articles from Arctic, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, El Salvador, Hawai'i, India, Nicaragua, Peru, Surinam, Tigray, Venezuela.
Author: Robert Lizarralde, Stephen Beckermann and Peter Elsass
Number of pages: 77
ISSN number: 0105-4503
Publication language: English
Country publication is about: Colombia, Venezuela
Region publication is about: Latin America, América Latina
Release year: 1987
Release Month | Day: apr-87
This document is a collection of articles and material comparing the problems and issues facing the Barí and Arhuaco nations of Venezuela and Columbia. Loss of lands from invading companies and colonists is contrasted with threats to their culture from missionaries. The document not only charts the differences in resistance strategies used by the Arhuacos and Barí but also the different perspect...
Author: Compiled and edited from the Seminar "Self-Determination and Indigenous Peoples" organised by the Oslo and Copenhagen Local Groups of IWGIA
Number of pages: 172
ISSN number: 0105-4503
Publication language: English
Region publication is about: Arctic, Ártico
Release year: 1987
Release Month | Day: mar-87
Self-determination is a fundamental right of indigenous peoples. Although frequently discussed from a theoretical basis, it is less often discussed from a practical and applied perspective. This document looks at self-determination from the position of the indigenous peoples of Sámiland, Greenland and northern Canada and how they can fully express this right. The answers provided vary according t...
Region publication is about: Latin America, América Latina
Release year: 1987
Release Month | Day: apr-87
The Polonoroeste programme is a World Bank-funded colonisation project in central Brazil. This document looks at the indigenous peoples of the Aripuana Park which lies in the path of the development plan. The authors, anthropologists who have lived with the Cinta Larga and Surui Indians of the Park for many years, argue that the Programme is contributing to and exacerbating a situation which alrea...
Publisher: The International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA)
Author: Andrew Gray, Ed.
Number of pages: 94
ISSN number: 0105-4503
Publication language: English
Region publication is about: Africa, África, Arctic, Ártico, Asia, Latin America, América Latina, North America, América del Norte , Pacific, Pacífico
Release year: 1987
Release Month | Day: Jan
This book provides an overview of the present situation and crucial developments in 1986 among indigenous peoples in Asia, Africa, the Arctic, the Pacific and the Americas. Out of print!
Country publication is about: Australia, Bangladesh, Bolivia, East Timor, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Hawaii, India, Japan, New Caledonia, Saamiland, Swaziland, U.S.A., West Papua
Region publication is about: International; internacional
Release year: 1986
Release Month | Day: Dec
This Newsletter contains articles from Australia, Bangladesh, Bolivia, East Timor, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Hawaii, India, Japan, New Caledonia, Saamiland, Swaziland, U.S.A., West Papua.
Country publication is about: Belize, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, China, Costa Rica, East Timor, Greenland, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Nicaragua, Pacific, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, USA
Region publication is about: International; internacional
Release year: 1986
Release Month | Day: Apr
This Newsletter contains articles from Belize, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, China, Costa Rica, East Timor, Greenland, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Nicaragua, Pacific, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, USA.
This document is a general survey of the history and conditions of the Naga peoples who live in Nagaland on the borders of India and Burma. It is a collection of material from a variety of sources which an IWGIA editorial board has put together under guidance from several Nagas. Although the book reflects no particular position within the Naga struggle, it draws different types of documentation in...
In 1931, a few weeks after my first arrival as a member of the judiciary in the Netherlands Indies, I passed through Gedong Tataan. It was a typical Javanese village, surrounded by irrigated ricefields, in the midst of the impenetrable jungle of South Sumatra, at that time still infested by tigers, rhinoceroses and elephants. There was a strange contrast between the sedentary agriculture prac...
IWGIA's Annual Report presents the results of IWGIA's activities in 1985 and highlights examples of projects and processes implemented or supported by IWGIA throughout the year.
IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Read more.
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