• Indigenous peoples in Philippines

    Indigenous peoples in Philippines

    The number of the Philippines’ indigenous peoples remains unknown, but it estimated to be between 10 per cent and 20 per cent of the 102.9 million national population.
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  • Philippines: National Solidarity Mission held as response to extrajudicial killings

Philippines: National Solidarity Mission held as response to extrajudicial killings

On April 4-7, 2014, a National Solidarity Mission was held in response to one of the gravest cases of human rights violation in the Cordillera region in recent years – the massacre of the Ligiws of Sitio Sucao, Barangay Domenglay, Licuan Baay, Abra. The National Solidarity Mission was organized to register concern over the recent spate of human rights violations due to heavy militarization of the communities of Abra in the Philippines.

The recommendations in the report highlight the need for investigation and accountability. The most recent of these human rights violations took place on March 7, 2014, when Fermin Ligiw, Eddie Ligiw and their aged father, Licuben Ligiw, were found buried in a shallow grave near their hut after they went missing on March 3. The Ligiw clan and members of the community highly suspect the 41st IBPA as the perpetrator of these extrajudicial killings. Even after the Ligiws were laid to rest, harassment, threats, intimidation and other human rights violations heightened in the community due to the continuing presence of the military. The three victims and their immediate family are members and leaders of BALITOK (Baay Licuan Takderan Umno a Karbengan), KASTAN (Kakailian Salakniban tay Amin a Nagtaudan) and CPA (Cordillera Peoples Alliance). These organizations have long been under attack by the AFP with their political vilification campaign branding these organizations as terrorists. As part of the continuing search for justice the National Solidarity Mission are encouraging you to support the recommendations of their report and conduct continuing activities in solidarity with the Ligiw family and other victims of human rights violations.



IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Read more.

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Indigenous World

IWGIA's global report, the Indigenous World, provides an update of the current situation for Indigenous Peoples worldwide. Read The Indigenous World.

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