Rapport om inuits menneskerettighedsforhold i Kalaallit Nunaat og Danmark

I februar i år var FNs Specialrapportør for oprindelige folks rettigheder på officielt besøg i Danmark og Kalaallit Nunaat for at vurdere menneskerettighedssituationen for inuit i begge lande. Nu er rapporten færdig og er blevet gjort tilgængelig her i forbindelse med FNs 54. samling af FNs Menneskerettighedsråd, der løber af stablen den 11. september til den 13. oktober 2023 i Geneve. Her præsenterer specialrapportøren den 28. september sin rapport inklusive sine anbefalinger. Herefter bliver der en dialog med staterne og civilsamfundsorganisationer, der har ECOSOC-status (hvilket IWGIA har).

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IWGIA, AIPP and LAHURNIP condemn the arbitrary designation of legitimate Indigenous Peoples human rights defenders as terrorists by Philippine authorities

The Anti-Terrorism Council (ATC) of the Philippines has arbitrarily designated Indigenous Peoples’ human rights defenders Windel Bolinget, Jennifer Awingan, Sarah Abellon-Alikes and Steve Tauli – all leaders of the Cordillera Peoples Alliance (CPA) – as “terrorist individuals” in Resolution Number 41 (2023) issued by the ATC, as part of the powers granted by the Anti-Terrorism Law of 2020.

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Nicaragua: justice takes time but it comes


The struggle of indigenous peoples for their land rights has brought about an increase in acts of violence by invading settlers. The Alal Massacre and the attack on Kiwakumbaih mine workers are the two most emblematic acts. Instead of dismantling the criminal gangs operating in the region, the National Police and the Judiciary system have criminalized Mayangna indigenous people and named them responsible for the murders, massacres and destruction of property. However, a complaint brought to the international level at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights was successful in demanding the release of the Mayangnas unjustly detained because of violations to their right to due process.

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Philippines: gold mining and Indigenous Peoples in the Cordillera


The ancestral practices of Indigenous Peoples use extraction methods that respect nature and strengthen the community by distributing the benefits. Although they were able to resist the Spanish colonizers, during the 20th century they were overwhelmed by US companies that introduced toxic substances and large-scale mining. These contrast with the government’s mining policy that allowed the proliferation of large mining companies that degraded the environment and affected the living and working conditions of Indigenous Peoples.

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IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Read more.

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Indigenous World

IWGIA's global report, the Indigenous World, provides an update of the current situation for Indigenous Peoples worldwide. Read The Indigenous World.

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