A Saami youth holds up a microphone

Press Release - Sámi Activists Demand Removal of Wind Turbines in Fosen

Cover photo by the Saami Council

October 14, 2023

In a powerful display of determination and solidarity, hundreds of Sámi activists, alongside environmental advocates, have converged in Oslo to demand the immediate removal of wind turbines from the Fosen region. The protests, which are part of continued advocacy and protest by the Sámi over the last two years, commenced on October 11, 2023, have garnered national and international attention.

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Indigenous governance and conservation of the commons in Bolivia


The relationship between Indigenous Peoples and the environmental movement has not always been on the best or terms. Although the communities have protected nature where they have lived for centuries, it took years for conservationist organizations to understand that wild flora and fauna do not only occupy forests. While some conservationists continue to call for the expulsion of Indigenous people from protected areas, others have understood the role Indigenous communities play in the reproduction of life. In Bolivia, the Guarani have created protected areas under their own regulations, while five Amazonian peoples have just created a protected area rich in biodiversity.

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Protected areas and Indigenous territories: a problematic coexistence


Since the middle of the 20th century, protected areas have expanded all over the planet as a result of growing environmental problems. Its extension coincided by 50 percent with that of the ancestral territories. However, the “Yellowstone model” was imposed, which does not take into account that indigenous peoples live on those lands. Although indigenous knowledge has begun to be taken into account in recent years, its participation in the management of protected areas is subordinated to the state bureaucracy. In this framework, it is essential that ancestral wisdom and practices play an important role in conservation policies.

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The colonial face of environmental conservationism in Ecuador


Throughout history, colonialism has taken many forms. First, it manifested in religious missionaries then rubber companies, and, finally, in oil companies. Today, under the guise of their so-called green agendas, environmental NGOs continue the oppressive legacy of their predecessors. In this case, the aim of their self-proclaimed green capital is to appropriate our ancestral territories in order to sell carbon credits. In this scheme, the commodification of the Amazon’s forests has become a new attempt to divide Indigenous organizations. Faced with this new threat, one viable solution is to bet on the self-determination of the communitarian society of the Sumak Kawsay.

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International Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission Stands in Solidarity with the Civil Society Leaders of CHT and Calls for the Defense of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Regulation 1900

The International Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission (CHTC) expresses deep concern over the ongoing lawsuits against the Chittagong Hill Tracts Regulation, 1900, and calls for its defense. CHTC joins hands with civil society leaders in the CHT who have tirelessly advocated for the preservation of this vital regulation.

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