• Indigenous peoples in Brazil

    Indigenous peoples in Brazil

    There are 896.917 indigenous persons in Brazil, distributed among 305 ethnic groups.The main challenge for indigenous people is the threat that new indigenous territories will no longer be established. Permissiveness prevails with hydroelectric and mining companies that directly or indirectly affect indigenous territory.
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  • New IWGIA Report on isolated indigenous peoples in Brazil

New IWGIA Report on isolated indigenous peoples in Brazil

Recently, IWGIA has released the report “Isolados no Brasil”. The publication presents the current knowledge about the indigenous peoples in the Brazilian Amazon who live in isolation or have only sporadic contact with surrounding communities. Moreover, the report recommends a number of immediate measures to protect these indigenous peoples’ survival.

46 of a total of 100 isolated indigenous peoples in Latin America are living in the Brazilian rainforest. There is also indigenous peoples in isolation or with sporadic or initial contact to national society in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Paraguay and Venezuela. Brazil is the only Latin American country which has a government body working for the protection of indigenous peoples in isolation. Therefore, Brazil has a unique experience in this field. The report is written in Portuguese. It presents working practices, legal frameworks and public policies in Brazil and the experiences from more than 22 years of working with indigenous peoples in isolation. The report is number six in a series of seven country reports on indigenous peoples in isolation in Latin America. The next report in the series will be on Colombia. All reports can be downloaded from IWGIAs homepage. Most of the reports are in Spanish while a few has been translated into English.



IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Read more.

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Indigenous World

IWGIA's global report, the Indigenous World, provides an update of the current situation for Indigenous Peoples worldwide. Read The Indigenous World.

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