• Indigenous peoples in Bangladesh

    Indigenous peoples in Bangladesh

    Bangladesh is home to more than 54 indigenous peoples speaking more than 35 languages. Bangladesh has not adopted the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the economic and political rights of the country's indigenous peoples remain ignored.


Bangladesh is home to more than 54 Indigenous Peoples who speak at least 35 languages, along with the majority of the Bengali population. Bangladesh has not adopted the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the economic and political rights of the country's Indigenous Peoples continue to be ignored.

The government of Bangladesh does not recognize Indigenous Peoples as indigenous. However, since the amendment of the 2011 Constitution, peoples with different ethnic identities than the Bengali population are mentioned. However, only cultural aspects are mentioned, while issues related to the economic and political rights of Indigenous Peoples, in particular their rights to land, continue to be ignored.

Indigenous Peoples in Bangladesh

According to the 2011 census conducted by the Government of Bangladesh, the country's Indigenous population comprises approximately 1,586,141, 1.8% of the country's total population. However, Indigenous Peoples in Bangladesh claim that their population is approximately 5 million.

Approximately 80% of the Indigenous Population lives in the flatland districts of the north and southeast of the country, while the rest reside in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. In the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Indigenous Peoples are commonly known as Jummas for their crop rotation agriculture, known locally as Jum.

Along with the official language of Bengali, the Indigenous Peoples of Bangladesh speak at least 35 languages. Measures have been taken to include teachers from Indigenous groups and texts in Indigenous languages ​​at the pre-primary school, and the government has distributed books for the nursery school in five Indigenous languages, namely Chakma, Garo, Kokborok, Marma and Sadri.

However, the government has not yet taken any action to train an adequate number of qualified teachers with the necessary linguistic skills in these languages ​​and has not yet presented a plan for native education in the later stages for the pre-primary level, nor for other Indigenous languages.

Main challenges for the Indigenous Peoples of Bangladesh

The land rights of Indigenous Peoples in Bangladesh continue to be one of the alarming issues and a key factor in serious human rights violations in the country. Indigenous Peoples' organizations have protested against the growing number of human rights violations and demand protection, promotion and respect for their human rights.

Although the 1997 Chittagong Hill Tracts Agreement was a constructive agreement between the Indigenous Peoples and the Government of Bangladesh, after 19 years, the main problems of the Agreement remain unresolved. Indigenous Peoples still face challenges in areas such as the return of power and functions to the Chittagong Hill Tracts institutions, the preservation of the characteristics of the tribal area of ​​the Chittagong Hill Tracts region, the demilitarization and rehabilitation of the internally displaced.

The situation of Indigenous women continues to be alarming. Sexual and physical attacks have become a common means of being used against Indigenous women and girls, while none of the alleged perpetrators have been brought to justice. In 2016, Bangladesh was revised by the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). The concluding observations highlight that the government should: "effectively investigate all reports of gender-based violence against indigenous women related to land grabbing and take steps to bring those responsible to justice." In 2017, at least 56 Indigenous women and girls were sexually assaulted

Advances in land disputes and education for Indigenous groups in Bangladesh

The Chittagong Hill Tracts Land Dispute Resolution Commission Act of 2001 was amended in August 2016. The amendment is expected to pave the way for the proper resolution of land disputes and the return of dispossessed lands belonging to native populance.

The Government of Bangladesh undertook initiatives to fulfill its responsibility to ensure primary education for indigenous children, including a measure in 2017 to nationalize 210 primary schools in Chittagong Hill Tracts. The Ministry of Primary and Mass Education produced pre-school textbooks in 5 indigenous languages ​​and distributed around 25,000 books.

On the other hand, Indigenous activists identified the lack of adequate, competent and qualified teachers in Indigenous languages. In addition, children belonging to many remote Indigenous communities still can not realize their right to education due to the lack of educational institutions in those areas.

Bangladesh: Perpetuating Impunity and Exclusion of Indigenous Peoples

58th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council
Geneva, 24 February – 4 April 2025
Agenda item 3- General Debate
Written statement submitted by the International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA)

On 5th August 2024, the government of Bangladesh led by then Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina fell in the face of a massive anti-discrimination movement by the students. It was hailed as a revolution and an Interim Government headed by Dr Mohammed Yunus was sworn in. However, Indigenous Peoples in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHTs) region and elsewhere have been facing increased human rights violations mostly with impunity under Dr Yunus government.

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CHT Commission Condemns Attacks on Indigenous Students, Demands Accountability and Action Against Perpetrators and Rising Extremism

17 January 2025 Ι The CHT Commission strongly condemns the brutal and violent attack on Indigenous students and their supporters on January 15, 2025, in Dhaka1. Furthermore, when a group under the banner “Aggrieved Student-Masses” organized a march on January 16, 2025, to protest the attack, the police responded with excessive force, including baton charges, water cannons, and sound grenades to disperse them2. We condemn both incidents and urgently demand justice, accountability for the perpetrators, proper medical treatment for the injured, and effective measures to prevent such occurrences in the future.

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Joint Statement: Call for Urgent Action on Repeated Violence in CHT

We are deeply concerned about the ongoing violence and attacks on the Indigenous Peoples of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT). Recent deadly attacks by Bengali settlers in the presence of state forces, in Khagrachari and Dighinala on 19 September, and in Rangamati on 20 September[1], have resulted in the deaths of four Indigenous persons (one in Rangamati and three in Khagrachari) and widespread arson attacks on Indigenous houses, businesses, and Buddhist places of worship. These events were ostensibly sparked by the alleged mob killing of a settler who was attempting to steal a motorbike.[2]

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A letter to Chief Adviser, Interim Government of Bangladesh to take urgent action on violent attacks on Indigenous students

Honourable Chief Adviser Dr. Muhammad Yunus,

We, the undersigned organisations and individuals, would like to bring to your attention, our concern on the recent violent attacks on the Indigenous student protestors during a peaceful protest in relation to the removal of an artwork from the back of a school textbook with the word “Adivasi” (Indigenous). The inclusion and recognition of Indigenous Peoples in the school textbook was an outcome of the movement led by Indigenous Peoples of Bangladesh and a step applauded by many. We condemn the violent attacks on Indigenous protestors and urge for prompt justice for the victims and the restoration of the artwork in the textbook.

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CHT Commission Condemns Arson Attack on Tripura Community in Notun Tongjhiri Para, Calls for Justice and Urgent Action Against Systemic Violence and Land Grabbing in the CHT

1 January 2025 Ι The International CHT Commission is deeply alarmed and outraged by the recent arson attack on the Tripura community in Notun Tongjhiri Tripura Para of Sarai Union, Lama upazila, Bandarban district. According to media reports1, on the night of 24 December 2024, 17 houses belonging to the Christian Tripura community were burnt to ashes. The attack occurred while the residents were away celebrating Christmas in a neighboring village due to the lack of a local church. Media reports allege that associates of former Inspector General of Police (IGP) Benazir Ahmed were involved in the arson attack. These individuals have reportedly made repeated attempts to evict the Tripura families, using threats, coercion, and violence to force them off their ancestral lands.

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Joint Statement on Violent attacks on Indigenous Jummo People in Bangladesh

We are deeply concerned about the ongoing attacks on Indigenous Jummo people in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) since September 19, 2024. The unrest began following the alleged mob killing of a Bengali settler on September 18. Without any proper investigation, Bengali settler organizations unjustly placed the blame on the Jummo community, despite the Officer-in-Charge of Khagrachari Police station confirming a different narrative[1]. Using this as a pretext, Bengali settlers launched violent attacks on Jummo individuals in Dighinala Upazila, Khagrachari, and set their properties ablaze on the evening of September 19[2].

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