The Explosion of Communities in Chiapas

Publisher: IWGIA
Author: June Nash, George A. Collier, Rosalva Aída Hernández Castillo, Kathleen Sullivan, Ma. Eugenia Santana E., Christine Marie Kovic, Marie-Odile Marion, Hermann Bellinghausen
Number of pages: 144
Publication language: English
Country publication is about: Mexico, México
Region publication is about: Latin America, América Latina
Release year: 1995

Tags: Human rights

This document is concerned with the transformations within Chiapas Mayan communities that make processes of change visible. The focus is the period from 1974 when the first hemispheric congress of indigenous people took place in San Cristobal de las Casas, to the Zapatista uprising and the turbulent forces released by it. It takes into account the continuities and disjunctures in community organization and regional relations in preconquest, colonial and indepen­dence times that provide dues to central beliefs and values affecting social control, the ordering of social relations by class and ethnicity, the control of resources, and the degree of autonomy in relation to the region and state in contemporary villages and townships.

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