Eyes that Tell: Myths and Customs from Indigenous Amazonia Illustrated by its People

Author: Gredna Landolt
Number of pages: 165
ISBN number: 9972-2640-0-9
Publication language: English
Region publication is about: Latin America
Release year: 2005
Release Month | Day: June

Tags: Human rights

Eyes that Tell is an anthology of myths and traditions narrated and superbly illustrated by members of eight indigenous peoples of Peruvian Amazonia: the Ashaninka, Shawi, Uitoto, Shipibo, Awajun, Wampis, Tikuna and Matsés. The narrators illustrate the extraordinary events that took place in ancient times (and that still take place today) in an equally extraordinary manner. In their illustrations we find the fantastic forms of mythical beings, the vivid colours of their clothes and adornments, the mysterious landscapes of other worlds, the vibrant energy that links humans, animals, gods, plants and all that exists in a single universal essence. Texts and images reinforce each other to reveal to us the cultural wealth of Amazonian indigenous peoples, a wealth that few are privy to and which this and other books compiled and beutifully designed by Gredna Landolt enable us to share.

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