Indigenous Affairs 2/01 - Militarization

Publisher: IWGIA
Number of pages: 72
ISSN number: 1024-3283
Publication language: English
Region publication is about: International, Internacional
Release year: 2001
Release Month | Day: jul-01

Tags: Land rights, Global governance

The attempts by indigenous peoples to assert their unique identity and rights to self-determination often results in military repression and persecution. This issue of Indigenous Affairs examines these problems on a global scale. Out of print! Contents: Editorial Militarization and Human Rights Violations by Marianne Jensen Asia Stories of the Voiceless by Aküm Longchari Militarization and the Chittagong Hill Tracts by Chandra Roy Militarization in the Cordillera Region, The Philippines by Joan Carling and Benedict Solang Oceania Prison, Torture and murder in Jayapura by Oswald Iten High Noon in West Papua Tensions grow in Indonesia's easternmost province by Oswald Iten Millenarian Expectations and the Dreary Realities of Life under Indonesian Occupation in West Papua by Danilo Geiger The Kwajalein Atoll and the New Arms Race The US anti-ballistic Weapons system and consequenses for the Marshall Islands of the Pacific by PCRC Arctic USA's National Missile Defence Threatens Greenland's Exiles By Aqqaluk Lynge Africa Human Rights in the Gambela National State by Nykiaw Abula Ochalla The War Games Victims by Johnson Ole Kaunga Americas Autonomy in Chiapas, Mexico By IWGIA We want to be both Indigenous and Mexican Message from the national Zapatista Liberation Army (EZLN) Autonomy Strengthens Democracy Responses from Adelfo Regiono Montes... The Peace Process in Chiapas has suffered a new setback International Peace Service - SIPAZ

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