Indigenous Affairs 4/01 - Sustainable Development

Publisher: IWGIA
Number of pages: 72
ISSN number: 1024-3283
Publication language: English
Region publication is about: International, Internacional
Release year: 2002
Release Month | Day: feb-02

Tags: Global governance, Climate

This issue of Indigenous Affairs focuses on issues of sustainable development and indigenous peoples. It seeks to give an overview of the World Summit on Sustainable Development process, the input to the process provided by indigenous peoples so far, and to present concrete case studies relating to sustainable development and the problems faced by indigenous peoples around the world on these issues. Contents: Editorial Indigenous Peoples and the World Summit for Sustainable Development (WSSD) by Joji Cariño International Towards the World Summit on Sustainable Development: A Brief Introduction by Birgitte Feiring Dialogue Paper by Indigenous Peoples by CSD Indigenous Peoples Caucus Arctic Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change Research in the Arctic by Mark Nuttall Elizabeth's Walk Tshakuesh's Meshkanu by Jane McGillivray Africa Decentralization, Natural Resource Management, and Community-Based Conservation Institutions in Southern Africa by Robert K. Hitchcock The Sahara's Indigenous Peoples, the Tuareg, Fear Environmental Catastrophe by Jeremy Keenan Asia The Karen Response to Thai Conservation Policies by Chumpol Maniratanavongsiri

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