• Indigenous peoples in Nepal

    Indigenous peoples in Nepal

    The Nepalese population is comprised by 125 caste and ethnic groups. Nepal has adopted the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. However, the constitution denies the collective rights and aspirations for identity-based federalism of indigenous peoples, and Nepal’s indigenous peoples are thus still facing a number of challenges.
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  • Nepal: Indigenous Film Festival focus on equal access to media

Nepal: Indigenous Film Festival focus on equal access to media

With this years focus Nepal International Indigenous Film Festival advocate for indigenous peoples equal share and right to participate in all forms of non-indigenous media without any discrimination. Inclusion in Mainstream Media It is necessary for indigenous peoples to be able to influence the images of indigenous peoples presented in media. Indigenous peoples should have a voice in how they are being portrait in mainstream media.

This will help to ensure that indigenous peoples do not suffer from exclusion, injustice and discrimination from society as they have done for centuries. Development of Indigenous Media At the same time the festival underline the importance of indigenous peoples developing their own media. Indigenous media is important for indigenous peoples preserving and exploring their culture, languages, spirituality and traditions. Further indigenous media can be used to reflect indigenous values and prevent development of myths and misconceptions. Global solidarity It is the hope of the festival that it will contribute to a global indigenous movement that work together to enhance knowledge and acceptance of indigenous peoples through various sort of media such as radio, television, feature films, documentaries, newspapers, websites and social media. By being visible through media it is believed that indigenous peoples have the possibility to build bridges between cultures and contribute to a multi cultural global society that acknowledges indigenous peoples as equal. Participating in the Film Festival Films meeting the following criteria are eligible for entry: - Films made after January, 2009 with completed film entry form. - The subjects and storyline of the film should be centered on the theme of the festival and should portray positive message about the theme. - Films made by either indigenous or non-indigenous filmmakers that are centred on indigenous issues, knowledge, wisdom, good practices and culture. - Films possessing indigenous content. - The format should be (Mini DV or DVD 2 copies) - Submission to the Festival is open to all kinds of films: Shorts or feature films, music videos, animation or documentaries of any length. - Films submitted to IFA without filling out the entry form will not be accepted - All the films in a language other than English must be subtitled in English. - A cover of a Film must contain: Title of the film, Full name of the Director’s, Duration of the film, the original languages of the film and Date of Completion of Production. - Publicity materials. Any submission received after the submission deadline will not be reviewed for 2013, but will be forwarded to the selection pool for 2014. How a film is selected - The selection committee appointed by Indigenous Film Archive will select all films. - The decision of the committee will be the final verdict and no legal claim to participate in the festival can be filed. - Indigenous Film Archive reserves the right not to disclose any comment or reason for not selecting films for the program. - A film, once selected shall not be withdrawn.



IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Read more.

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Indigenous World

IWGIA's global report, the Indigenous World, provides an update of the current situation for Indigenous Peoples worldwide. Read The Indigenous World.

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