In 1998, IWGIA published the book The Permanent Forum for Indigenous Peoples - the struggle for a new partnership. Now, in 2003, with the Forum already established and its first session held last year, IWGIA wishes to continue to prioritise the dissemination of information and analysis on this
This issue of Indigenous Affairs focuses on the use of information technology by indigenous peoples. Contents: Editorial by Marianne Wiben Jensen International Paths of Indigenous Cyber-Activism by Kyra Landzelius Americas Perspectives on the Indigenous Tradition / New Technology Interface by
With contributions from indigenous and non-indigenous scholars and activists, The Indigenous World 2002-2003 gives an overview of crucial developments in 2002 and early 2003 that have impacted on the indigenous peoples of the world. This year's edition includes two new regions: the
(Participation of indigenous peoples in the political life of the circumpolar countries - The Russian reality and the international experience) The book is a compilation of articles looking at political participation of indigenous peoples around the Circumpolar North. It includes examples from
This issue of Indigenous Affairs focuses on the issues affecting the indigenous population of Bolivia. Editorial by Alejandro Parellada Bolivia The agrarian process in Bolivia: frustrations with the regulation of land titles by Leonardo Romero Bonifaz and Ana Cecilia Betancur The reality of the
With contributions from indigenous and non-indigenous scholars and activists, the 2001-2002 Indigenous World presents an overview of crucial developments in 2001 and early 2002 that have impacted on indigenous peoples.
This issue of Indigenous Affairs focuses on the results achieved through indigenous peoples' participation within international bodies and processes. Editorial by Lola García-Alix Possible priorities for the first years of work of the Permanent Forum on indigenous issues by Ted Moses Permanent
This issue of Indigenous Affairs focuses on issues of sustainable development and indigenous peoples. It seeks to give an overview of the World Summit on Sustainable Development process, the input to the process provided by indigenous peoples so far, and to present concrete case studies
The Guide to Indigenous peoples' Rights in the Inter-American Human Rights System sets out in detail how the Inter-American human rights system works. It summarizes what rights are protected, with a focus on those of particular importance to Indigenous peoples. It also provides detailed
This issue of Indigenous Affairs focuses on the question of self-determination for indigenous peoples.The struggle for self-determination is the fundamental pre-requisite for indigenous peoples to be able to enhance their rights and improve their situation. Contents: Editorial by Christian Erni
The attempts by indigenous peoples to assert their unique identity and rights to self-determination often results in military repression and persecution. This issue of Indigenous Affairs examines these problems on a global scale. Out of print! Contents: Editorial Militarization and Human Rights
With contributions from indigenous and non-indigenous scholars and activists, the 2000-2001 Indigenous World presents an overview of crucial developments in 2000 and early 2001 that have impacted on indigenous peoples.The Indigenous World 2000-2001 covers: The progress and setbacks in
This issue of Indigenous Affairs focuses on the racism and discrimination faced by indigenous peoples around the world. The first article focuses on global perspectives and international developments. There then follow articles on the situation of indigenous peoples in the United States, in
Indigenous peoples all over the world find themselves part of political systems that are not their own but created and defined by governments with alien rules and led by politicians. Over the last centuries, indigenous peoples have gained experience in dealing with these imposed systems of
With articles from Asia, Latin America, Northern Scandivia, Africa & the Pacific this issue focuses on indigenous women; their special situation, their hopes and aspirations at the beginning of a new millenium. The articles reflect very clearly the serious problems indigenous women face;
engThis issue of Indigenous Affairs focuses on indigenous peoples who subsist as hunter-gatherers. Editorial By Esben Waehle - page 2 (Read the editorial) Southern Africa Taking their words from their mouths By Hugh Brody - page 4 Central Africa The Forest People of Africa in the 21st Century.
The Nunavut story told in this book by authors who have all been involved with Nunavut and Inuit politics for a very long time is an important one for indigenous peoples around the world and for anyone interested in indigenous issues. Stressing the political dynamics of the beginning of
This yearbook provides an overview of the present situation and crucial developments in 1999 and 2000 among indigenous peoples in Asia, Africa, the Arctic, the Pacific and the Americas, with a special focus on indigenous women; It also presents reports on the work of the Open-ended Working
This issue of Indigenous Affairs focuses on the impact of dams on indigenous peoples around the world. Introduction by Marcus Colchester page 4 Consultive meeting on dams, indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities - Participants list page 55 Norway The Alta-case. a story about how another
This book provides an overview of the present situation and crucial developments in 1998 and 1999 among indigenous peoples in Asia, Africa, the Arctic, the Pacific and the Americas, with a special focus on indigenous women.
The goal of this book is to create a basis for initial concrete evaluations of the question of establishing a joint political body for the Saami Parliaments elected by the Saami people in the three Nordic countries. The first part of the report consists of general background material. These
In 1998 the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was celebrated throughout the world. This Declaration forms an important basis for global human rights work, both in terms of an international institutional and legal framework and in terms of promoting a
This book provides an overview of the present situation and crucial developments in 1997 and 1998 among indigenous peoples in Asia, Africa, the Arctic, the Pacific and the Americas.
Indigenous Peoples and Nations of the Pacific - an Overview
The present issue of Indigenous Affairs deals specifically with indigenous peoples´ issues in the Pacific. IWGIA wishes in this way to draw the attention to the indigenous peoples of Oceania. We have
I would love to open up the charter of the United Nations´s said one indigenous representative during the second United Nations workshop on the establishment of a permanent forum for indigenous peoples. It was held in Santiago, Chile, on 30 June to 2 July, 1997. and the Chilean government was
When the United Nations approved the Study on Treaties, Agreements and other Constructive Arrangements between States and Indigenous Peoples in May 1989, Treaty Six Chiefs invited the Special Rapporteur, Miguel Alfonso Martínez, to attend an Elders and Treaty Six Chiefs' meeting. The meeting
In October, indigenous peoples once again travel the well-worn route to Geneva to participate in the second meeting of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights´openended Working Group which is discussing the draft Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Although a technical
This book contains a compilation of texts about the Small Indigenous Peoples of the Russian North and Far East. The Selected documents, letters and articles concerning the numerically small peoples of the North and their association (Now: RAIPON) were compiled by Alexander Pika, scientist and
This book provides an overview of the present situation and crucial developments in 1992 among indigenous peoples in Asia, Africa, the Arctic, the Pacific and the Americas. Out of print!
In March 1990, members of Canada's Parliamentary Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs listened to testimony presented by Inuit (Eskimos) who had been the subject of a 1950s government relocation experiment. The Inuit recounted years of suffering and neglect as a result of their
This book provides an overview of the present situation and crucial developments in 1991 among indigenous peoples in Asia, Africa, the Arctic, the Pacific and the Americas. Out of print!
This book provides an overview of the present situation and crucial developments in 1990 among indigenous peoples in Asia, Africa, the Arctic, the Pacific and the Americas. Out of print!
This book provides an overview of the present situation and crucial developments in 1989 among indigenous peoples in Asia, Africa, the Arctic, the Pacific and the Americas. Out of print!
This book provides an overview of the present situation and crucial developments in 1988 among indigenous peoples in Asia, Africa, the Arctic, the Pacific and the Americas. Out of print!
This book provides an overview of the present situation and crucial developments in 1987 among indigenous peoples in Asia, Africa, the Arctic, the Pacific and the Americas. Out of print!
This book provides an overview of the present situation and crucial developments in 1986 among indigenous peoples in Asia, Africa, the Arctic, the Pacific and the Americas. Out of print!
This document examines the evolution of development policies in Tanzania and their impact on a pastoral people -the Maasai of northern Tanzania. At the most general level it deals with the relationship between the state and the peasantry in Tanzania. Rural development policies are seen as one
IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Read more.
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