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Rights in Action. Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) for Indigenous Peoples

The comic book and video explain the basis of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC), a mechanism and a process wherein indigenous peoples undertake their collective decision on matters that affects them. Our partner Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact Foundation (AIPP) has increasingly published


USA: Anaya’s Visit to Peltier Boosts Clemency Efforts

James Anaya, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, made a historic visit to American Indian Movement member Leonard Peltier in prison on Friday – an event expected to boost the growing movement to free the American Indian activist who is believed by Amnesty


Tanzania: Report documents human rights violations

A survey conducted in ten districts of six regions of mainland Tanzania reveals deterioration of the situation of indigenous peoples and gross violations of their human rights. Evictions that take place with impunity are among the most serious problems found. Reports of various enquiry


James Anaya’s preliminary observations upon conclusion of visit to Peru

The UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples, James Anaya, acknowledged the cooperation of the Peruvian Government and the information provided with respect to laws, policies and programs on indigenous issues. He also highlighted the collaboration of the United Nations


Up in Smoke? Maasai Rights in the Olkaria Geothermal Area, Kenya

Briefing note on how the Maasai have been affected by the Olkaria geothermal field that is placed on their ancestral land in Kenya. Without proper consultation or free prior and informed consent the Maasai have to vacate 4,300 acres of land in order to be resettled on only 567 acres. Although


Complaint against the Peruvian State

On Friday November 1, indigenous organizations reported the situation of isolated peoples in Peru to the Inter American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in Washington DC and denounced the Peruvian State is not applying norms for special protection of isolated peoples. Fasabi Daysi Zapata,


UN: Danish Minister directs attention to indigenous peoples’ access to education

In his statement on education at the 4th session of the General assembly open work group on sustainable development goals held this week in New York, the Danish Minister for Development Cooperation, Christian Friis Bach, directed attention to indigenous peoples’ access to education. The


The Indigenous World 2013 presented at the UN Permanent Forum

Focus on Africa This year, the regional theme on the UNPFII was Africa. The book launch therefore focused on the situation of indigenous peoples in Africa, taking advantage of the presence of many of our indigenous partners to make presentations. Our speakers included Mr.


IWGIA member of the International Land Coalition

ILC is a strong global coalition that focuses on land rights. We at IWGIA see our membership as an opportunity to be part of a broad and resourceful network that reaches a global audience. While the ILC network can strengthen IWGIA’s ability to reach a broad audience and expand our advocacy


The Indigenous World 2013

This yearbook contains a comprehensive update on the current situation of indigenous peoples and their human rights, and provides an overview of the most important developments in international and regional processes during 2012.

In 67 articles, indigenous and non-indigenous scholars


The Indigenous World 2013: Editorial

2012 marked 100 years since the publication of Roger Casement’s report testifying to the atrocities being committed against the indigenous population of the Amazon by the British-registered Peruvian Amazon Company.1 This report, together with his equally devastating report on the


Special rapporteur will look into how Canada treats indigenous peoples

According to the National Post three United Nations special rapporteurs are on their way to take a thorough look at Canada’s record on human rights, treatment of aboriginals and discrimination against women. Canada has approved three visits, which are from the UN Special Rapporteur on the


Staged RAIPON election taints 7th Congress

More than 600 indigenous representatives from 35 regions of the Russian Federation met in Salekhard, Yamal-Nenets AO for the 7th Congress of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East at the end of March. Indigenous representatives elected a new president for RAIPON – the Russian


Report about the World Heritage Convention and Indigenous Peoples

In September 2012, the Danish Agency for Culture, the Greenland Government and IWGIA together hosted an International Expert Workshop on the World Heritage Convention and Indigenous Peoples as part of the Convention’s 40th Anniversary.

Voices of Water - Indigenous peoples on the International Water Day

Today we celebrate the annual International Water Day. Worldwide happenings, events and meetings are taking place; from small indigenous communities to international policymakers within the United Nations. The focus is mutual for everyone; to bring attention to the importance of fresh clean


Malaysia: The Special Rapporteur gathered key information during visit

Representatives provided oral and written information on various issues including lands, territories and resources with a focus on extractive industries; militarization and impact of national security measures of Governments; and self-determination and identity. Indigenous peoples from


Respect, Protect and Remedy: The Rights of Indigenous Peoples Affected by Business

From 5-6 November, an indigenous preparatory meeting in Copenhagen discussed Indigenous Peoples’ experi-ences, challenges and opportunities with regard to business and human rights, as well as the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights for implementing the UN “Protect, Respect and


Report of the African Commission's Working Group on Indigenous Populations/Communities. Regional Sensitization Seminar on the Rights of Indigenous Populations/Communities in Central and East Africa, 22 to 25 August 2011, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo

This publication gives an overview of the presentations made at the regional sensitization seminar organized by the African Commission’s Working Group on Indigenous Populations/Communities in the republic of Congo on 22 to 25 August 2011. One of the objectives of the seminar was to inform key


Coal Mining in Kemerovo Oblast, Russia

In Kemerovo Oblast, West Siberia, the coal-mining industry is extracting “black gold” while destroying the environment and the rich traditional culture and natural resource management of the Shorts and the Teleut– two of Russia’s small numbered indigenous peoples. The development of


Mineral extraction in the Taimyr Peninsula

Briefing note about the environmental consequences of mineral mining on the indigenous Evenkis, Nenets, Dolgans, Nganasans and Ents of the Russian Taimyr Peninsula. In the Taimyr Peninsula, the Norisk Nikel Company is extracting and processing precious minerals. It produces 35% of the world’s


Canada concerned over Russian suspension of RAIPON

Canada's term as head of the Arctic Council could get interesting before it even begins after Russia shut down a group that represents its northern aboriginals at international meetings. Federal Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq, who sits on the council and is an Inuk herself, says Canada is


Russia: Moscow orders closure of indigenous peoples' organization

RAIPON, the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East, is under increasing pressure after the federal Ministry of Justice said that the statutes of the organization are not in line with federal law and that it therefore must be closed down, the Russian Agency


Inuit and Saami agree on joint Arctic Declaration for UN World Conference

Yesterday, October 24, on United Nations Day, the representatives of Saami and Inuit have agreed on an Arctic Declaration regarding the UN Conference on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in 2014, during their preparatory meeting in Nuuk, organized by the Inuit Circumpolar Council. "I am pleased


Sommaire du Manuel sur la Promotion et Protection des Droits de Populations/Communautés Autochtones à Travers le Système Africain des Droits de l'Homme

En Afrique, les peuples autochtones se composent essentiellement de différents groupes de chasseurs-cueilleurs et d’éleveurs. Leur culture et mode de vie diffèrent considérablement de ceux de la société dominante. La survie de leur mode de vie dépend de leur accès à la terre et aux ressources. Les...

Indigenous peoples' rights taught at South African University

The course which is the only university course on the issue of indigenous peoples in Africa was done in collaboration with the African Commission’s Working Group on Indigenous Populations/Communities with the financial support of IWGIA and ILO. It was attended by more than 40 participants from


IACHR Urges to Investigate Information on Massacre of a Yanomami Community

Washington, D.C. – The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) expresses its deepest concern about the informaton on a massacre that allegedly took place in the Community of Irotatheri, of the Yanomami Indigenous Peoples, Municipality of Alto Orinoco, Amazonas State, Venezuela.


Paraguay: FAPI Statement on the current political and social situation

Following the dismissal of President Fernando Lugo through an abrupt and traumatic process for all of us, and given the present political situation in Paraguay, FAPI, a body that unites several indigenous peoples’ organisations of the western and eastern regions of the country, wishes to inform


IWGIA: New report documents militarization in the Chittagong Hill Tracts

We expect that the report will be a lobby instrument for IWGIA’s indigenous partners in their advocacy work for implementation of the Cittagong Hill Tracts Accord. Already the report has been presented to the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples and various UN agencies


World Bank: Poverty Rates Strikingly High Among Indigenous Populations

The highest percentages of indigenous people in proportion to the total national population are in China (36 percent), South Asia (32 percent) and Southeast Asia (10 percent), according to “Indigenous Peoples, Poverty, and Development”, a treatise on indigenous peoples in Asia, Africa and Latin


The Indigenous World 2012

Available as book and CD.

In 61 country reports and 12 reports on international processes, The Indigenous World 2012 gives a comprehensive update on the current situation of indigenous peoples and their human rights, and reports on the most important developments in international


The Indigenous World 2012: Editorial

In 2011, indigenous peoples’ right to participate in decision-making processes was high up the national and international indigenous agenda. Special focus was on the states’ duty to consult indigenous peoples in order to seek their free, prior and informed consent when issues that will affect


Indigenous peoples and transnational corporations and other business enterprises

This briefing note aims to show how Indigenous Peoples’ exclusion from political decision-making processes - locally, nationally, regionally and globally - places them in a position of extreme disadvantage vis-à-vis imposed industrial activities that affect their individual and communal lives,


Cop 17: Implement safeguards on REDD Plus, indigenous caucus demands

The recognition of rights, including rights to land, territories and resources, and Free, Prior Informed Consent is crucial for indigenous peoples as this will rectify the violation of their rights in the implementation of climate change solutions.

Cameroon: UN concerned about the implementation of rights of indigenous peoples

The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights considered the second and third reports of Cameroon on the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (E/C.12/CMR/2-3) at its 41st to 43rd meeting (E/C.12/2011/SR.41 à 43), held on 21 and 22 November


Bangladesh: One step closer to securing indigenous rights

Approximately 170 guests were present at the seminar to discuss the challenges and opportunities in relation to ensuring rights for Indigenous People and Tribal People (ITP). Country Director of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Bangladesh, Mr. Andre Bogui, gave his opening remarks,


México: Simposio sobre desarrollo reglamentario de la Consulta Previa

El Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS) de México organiza un encuentro internacional sobre el desarrollo reglamentario del derecho de los Pueblos Indígenas a la consulta y el consentimiento previo, libre e informado, que tendrá lugar en la ciudad de


Indigenous adress to the Barent Euro-Arctic Council

Your Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, Allow me first of all to thank the member states of the Barents Council for providing the indigenous peoples representatives through the Working Group of Indigenous Peoples (WGIP) the opportunity to address Barents Euro-Arctic Council 13th session 2011


Indigenous Affairs 1-2/10 - Development and Customary Law

This issue of Indigenous Affairs is a combined issue that brings together a mixture of different articles and perspectives on development, self-determination and the role of customary law. The articles touch upon indigenous peoples' economic, legal, social and political development. 

The Indigenous World 2011

Available as book and CD. This yearbook contains a comprehensive update on the current situation of indigenous peoples and their human rights, and provides an overview of the most important developments in international and regional processes during 2010. In 66 articles indigenous and


Arctic Council: Arctic peoples’ Nuuk press release

At the Arctic Council Ministerial in Nuuk, May 12 2011, the Foreign Ministers of the 8 Arctic states decided to establish a standing secretariat in Tromsoe, Norway. The establishment of a standing secretariat in an integral part of the efforts to strengthen the Arctic Council as set out in the


The Indigenous World 2011: Editorial

In 2009, the UN Human Rights Council asked the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) to carry out a study on indigenous peoples and the right to participate in decision-making, to be completed by 2011. The EMRIP submitted a progress report to the Human Rights Council in


Suriname: UN expert calls for dialogue on indigenous land issues

PARAMARIBO – The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, James Anaya, called for further contact between the authorities and the indigenous and tribal peoples of Surinam, and reiterated his readiness to assist with efforts to advance their land and resource


Special Rapporteur releases report on situation of Maori people in New Zealand

The UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples releases report on situation of Maori people in New Zealand. The advanced unedited version of the report examines the situation of Maori people in New Zealand on the basis of information received during the Special Rapporteur's visit


Rapa Nuis seek U.N. intervention in dispute with Chile

"We are a peaceful people. We don't like war. We don't want police and military on our land," said Erity Teave, an indigenous activist from the Chilean-administered Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean. Teave, an indigenous activist who is currently visiting the United States, told IPS that her


US: Obama announces US support to the UNDRIP

Obama told Native American leaders that the declaration affirms the importance and rich cultures of Native peoples throughout the world. The U.S. voted against the declaration when the General Assembly adopted it in 2007, arguing that it was incompatible with existing laws. Three other


Preliminary statement by the UN Special Rapporteur on New Zealand

James Anaya, Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people, carried out a country visit to New Zealand from 19-23 July 2010. During his visit the SR assessed the situation of the Maori people, in follow up to the 2005 visit by his predecessor,


UN Special Rapporteur concludes visit to New Zealand

UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation and Fundamental Rights of Indigenous Peoples, James Anaya has concluded his visit to New Zealand. As “troubling” inequalities persist between Maori and non-Maori, New Zealand must press ahead with efforts to improve the human rights of its indigenous


The Indigenous World 2010: Editorial

The right to self-determination is at the heart of indigenous peoples’ struggles worldwide. In 2009, some major steps were taken towards this goal, especially in Greenland and Bolivia.

The Indigenous World 2010

This yearbook contains a comprehensive update on the current situation of indigenous peoples and their human rights and provides an overview of the most important developments in international and regional processes during 2009. 72 indigenous and non-indigenous scholars and activists provide


The Indigenous World 2009

This yearbook contains a comprehensive update on the current situation of indigenous peoples and their human rights, and provides an overview of the most important developments in international and regional processes during 2008. Over 60 indigenous and non-indigenous scholars and activists


The Indigenous World 2009: Editorial

The Indigenous World 2009: Editorial

In 2008, IWGIA celebrated its 40th anniversary. Looking back over the past 40 years, we believe that we have been able to contribute to advancing the rights of indigenous peoples and improving their situation, not least by documenting events and raising awareness of indigenous issues in


Indigenous & Tribal Peoples’ Rights in Practice: A Guide to ILO Convention No. 169

In 1989, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) adopted the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention (ILO Convention No. 169). Since then, the Convention has been ratified by 20 countries. In these countries, the ILO supervisory bodies have monitored and guided the implementation process...

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

On September 13, 2007 the UN General Assembly adopted the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. This followed more than twenty years of discussions within the UN system. Indigenous representatives played key roles in the development of this Declaration. There are over


The Indigenous World 2008

Available as book and CD. This Yearbook covers the period January-December 2007 and provides an update on the state of affairs of indigenous peoples worldwide through country reports covering most of the indigenous world and updated information on the international and regional processes


Indigenous Affairs 4/08

Order through: Bindrai Institute for Research, Study and Action (BIRSA), att. Mr. Samar Bosu Mullick This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it....

In Hindi: Indigenous Affairs 5/2008

Order through: Bindrai Institute for Research, Study and Action (BIRSA), att. Mr. Samar Bosu Mullick This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it....

Indigenous Affairs 4/07 - Social Suffering

The theme of this issue of Indigenous Affairs is Social Suffering. It brings articles about issues such as diabetes among indigenous peopels, the situation of the San people in Southern Africa, the situation in Lao PDR, suicide among the Inuit youth, and the aboriginal affairs in Australia.


Indigenous Affairs 1-2/07 - First year of Evo Morales' presidency

The theme for this edition of Indigenous Affairs is the first year of Evo Morales' presidency.


The history of a Bolivia in search of change

  • by Xavier Albó

Interview with Xavier Albó

  • by Julio Peñaloza

The Indigenous World 2007

This Yearbook covers the period January-December 2006 and provides an update on the state of affairs of indigenous peoples worldwide through:

  • Region and Country reports covering most of the indigenous world.
  • Updated information on the international and regional

The Indigenous World 2007: Editorial

The Indigenous World 2007: Editorial

2006 was an important year for the world’s 350 million plus indigenous peoples. In June, the newly-established United Nations Human Rights Council made history as it adopted the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples at its first session in Geneva. The adoption of this important


Indigenous Affairs 4/06 - Logging and Indigenous Peoples

The theme for this edition of Indigenous Affairs focuses on logging. It brings articles documenting the threats of logging to the livelihoods of indigenous peoples as well as examples of innovative approaches that seek to respect the rights of indigenous peoples.

In Hindi: Indigenous Affairs 2/07

Order through: Bindrai Institute for Research, Study and Action (BIRSA), att. Mr. Samar Bosu Mullick This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it....

In Hindi: Indigenous Affairs 3/07

Order through: Bindrai Institute for Research, Study and Action (BIRSA), att. Mr. Samar Bosu Mullick This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it....

Indigenous Affairs 2-3/06 - Arctic Oil and Gas Development

This thematic issue of Indigenous Affairs examines some of the major oil and gas development projects that affect the lives and lands of indigenous peoples throughout the Circumpolar North, highlighting indigenous perspectives and concerns over such development. The contributors explore the


Indigenous Affairs 1/06 - Africa and the Millennium Development Goals

Contents: Editorial - by Jens Dahl MDGs, Globalisation and Indigenous Peoples in Africa, by Nigel Crawhall Will Pastoral Legislation Disempower Pastoralists in the Sahel?, by Ced Hesse and Brigitte Thébaud Cause for Celebration or Celebration for a Cause: Pastoralism and Poverty Reduction


The Indigenous World 2006

This Yearbook covers the period January-December 2005 and provides an update on the state of affairs of indigenous peoples worldwide.

Thanks to the contributions from indigenous and non-indigenous scholars and activists, The Indigenous World 2006 gives an overview of crucial


IWGIA Posobie Postoiannyi forum po voprosam korennyh narodov

The handbook provides basic information on the nature of the new UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in Russian, the aim being to enable indigenous organisations to have greater influence within this new body. It covers the first four sessions of the Permanent Forum.

In Hindi: Indigenous Affairs 1/06

Order through: Bindrai Institute for Research, Study and Action (BIRSA), att. Mr. Samar Bosu Mullick This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it....

Indigenous Affairs 3-4/05 - Indigenous Youth

This thematic issue of Indigenous Affairs examines the issues affecting indigenous youth across the world Contents:

Editorial - by Alejandro Parallada and Kathrin Wessendorf

Latinamerica section
Argentina -

  • The Mapunky and the Mapuheavy Voices from the

Indigenous Affairs 2/05 - Shifting Cultivation

This issue of Indigenous Affairs focuses on the issues surrounding shifting cultivation Contents: Editorial - by Christian Erni Swidden Agriculture in Thailand: Myths, Realities and Challenges, by Pinkaew Laungaramsri Seeds-songs. Reflections on Swidden Agriculture, Agro-biodiversity and Food


Indigenous Affairs 1/05 - Indigenous Peoples and Education

This issue of Indigenous Affairs focuses on education and indigenous peoples. Contents: Editorial - by Marianne Wiben Jensen Download the editorial as a PDF file here Education in the Canadian Arctic: What Difference has the Nunavut Government Made? - by Jack Hicks "We're going slowly because


The Indigenous World 2005

This Yearbook covers the period January-December 2004. IWGIA's Yearbook is issued every year in May. Its purpose is to provide an update on the state of affairs of indigenous peoples worldwide.

Thanks to the contributions from indigenous and non-indigenous scholars and activists, The


Indigenous Affairs 3/04 - The UN Decade: Expectations and Realities

This issues of Indigenous Affairs assesses the impact of the UN Decade of Indigenous Peoples on Indigenous peoples around the world.

Editorial - by Lola García-Alix

The UN decade on Indigenous Peoples - by Jens Dahl

The Permanent Forum on Indigenous


Indigenous Affairs 1-2/04: Indigenous Women

This issue looks at the issues affecting indigenous women highlighting the impact of external social pressures on traditional gender structures. Contents: Editorial by Kathrin Wessendorf Africa San women today: Inequality and dependency in a post-foraging world by Renee Sylvain Twa women in the


The Indigenous World 2004

This Yearbook covers the period January-December 2003. As from this year, IWGIA's Yearbook will be issued every year in May. Its purpose is to provide an update on the state of affairs of Indigenous peoples around the world. Thanks to the contributions from indigenous and non-indigenous


The Indigenous World 2004: Editorial

The Indigenous World 2004: Editorial

The impression one has on reading this year's contributions to The Indigenous World is that, despite notable advances, the situation of indigenous peoples still remains extremely precarious and even, in many cases, alarming. As the article on the Amazigh people of Algeria notes, it is


Indigenous Affairs 4/03 - Indigenous Peoples in Africa

This issue of Indigenous Affairs focuses on indigenous peoples in Africa.


Editorial by Marianne Wiben Jensen

Central Africa
Indigenous Advocacy in Central Africa by Dorothy Jackson

After the World Parks Congress:
Rights of indigenous


Indigenous Affairs 3/03: Open issue

This issue of Indigenous Affairs is an open issue. Contents:

Editorial by Sille Stidsen

Short-Circuiting Justice in the Name of Terror by Suhas Chakma

Asserting Indigenous Peoples' Rights is not an Act of Terrorism by Windel




IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs - is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting and defending Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Read more.

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Indigenous World

IWGIA's global report, the Indigenous World, provides an update of the current situation for Indigenous Peoples worldwide. Read The Indigenous World.

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DK 1422 Copenhagen
Phone: (+45) 53 73 28 30
E-mail: iwgia@iwgia.org
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